π² A curated list of awesome Pathfinder 2e (PF2E) resources, references and software
- Archives of Nethys β Pathfinder 2nd Edition Database and Reference Document
- Pathfinder Nexus β The Official Digital Toolset for Pathfinder
- PF2 Tools β Essential Pathfinder Second Edition Resources
- PF2eTools β A suite of tools for 2nd Edition Pathfinder players and Game Masters
- Open Source β MIT License β
- Open Source β MIT License β
- pf2e package for FoundryVTT β Brings the Pathfinder 2e ruleset to Foundry Virtual Tabletop
- Open Source β Apache License v2 β
- Open Source β Apache License v2 β
- Pathbuilder 2e β A character builder, planner and sheet for PF2E
- Web App, Android App
- Wanderer's Guide β A semi-automated character manager for Pathfinder Second Edition.
- Open Source β GPL-3.0 License β
- Open Source β GPL-3.0 License β
- Pathfinder 2 easy Library β Explore and search the ruleset, utility sheets, and various tools.
- RPGBot β A resource for tabletop roleplaying games, including instructional articles, online tools, and a Podcast to help you be a better player
- Pathfinder 2e Encounter Builder β A PF2 tool to balance encounters
- Open Source? β No License β
- Open Source? β No License β
- Mimic Fight Club β Create, balance, and save encounters. Filter creatures, create custom monsters, and apply variant rules
- Open Source? β No License β
- Open Source? β No License β
- Eurolog PF2 Tools - Excel spreadsheet-based tools
Many more open source and community projects on Github:
- topic pathfinder2e
- topic pathfinder-2e
- topic pf2e