This app is live at Google Play
This app was developed for University of Piraeus (UoP), so users can gain:
a) useful student information about the department
b) look up their professor's e-mail and send them e-mails from the app
c) get new announcements of the department and E-Class
d) view their student profile & grades (total passed courses, average grade & list of courses per semester)
a. Students of the department
b. People who want to learn more about the programme (CS Postgraduate Degree)
Model - View - ViewModel (MVVM)
- Unistudents Api for student authentication & data
- University of Piraeus Informatics Department for department announcements
- Gunet2 E-Class for e-class announcements
- Navigation Component
- Kotlin Coroutines
- Data Binding
Retrofit to consume REST web services
Room Persistence Library for local database (SQLite)
Dagger2 for dependency injection
Gson for serialization/deserialization
Glide to load images
SimpleXML to parse XML responses
Shimmer Loading to implement loading effect
Timber for logging