(ACL2024 Tutorial) Presentation Matters: How to Communicate Science in the NLP Venues and in the Wild? ⭐️
The slides can be obtained via these PDF and PPTX links.
This repository contains the slides and resources used in the tutorial. We are excited about the wide interest from the audience and glad that many people have found these tipcs useful. We always appreciate further feedback, for example, in case you have come across further useful resources, please feel free to share and we would be more than happy to include them in this repository.
Tutorial Presenters:
- Sarvnaz Karimi ([email protected]), CSIRO, Australia.
- Cecile Paris ([email protected]), CSIRO, Australia
- Reza Haffari ([email protected]), Monash University, Australia.
- How to write a great research paper, Simon Peyton Jones.
- Explaining explaining: a quick guide on explanatory writing, Lucas Costa.
- Tips for Writing NLP Papers, Vered Shwartz.
- Writing for Computer Science, Justin Zobel, book.
- Writing Tips on Style, Jordan Boyd-Graber.
- What Can We Do to Improve Peer Review in NLP, Anna Rogers and Isabelle Augenstein, EMNLP, 2020.
- How to give a good talk on a Computational Linguistics topic, Barbara Plank.
- How to Give a Talk, Jason Eisner.
- Communicating State-of-the-art NLP Research to a Broader Audience, a PhD course, IT University of Copenhagen.
- How to give talks that people can follow, Derek Dreyer.
- 7 habits of highly effective people, Stephan Covey, book.