With the basics of vuejs so you are able to create mobile apps (hybrid apps)
vue cli
android studio
Good news 😍😍, the Ionic Framework team has released version 4.0.0, it becomes independent you can use it with any framework you want (reactjs,vuejs...) or vanillajs.
install packages
npm install
I assume that you know vuejs so you can create change whatever you want in components. after that we need to wrap our vue app into mobile app. there is two options cordova or capacitor (built by ionic team) and we will stick with ionic stuffs.
cd yourproject
npm install --save @capacitor/core @capacitor/cli
you should also initialise Capacitor in your project:
npx cap init
To enable Android builds for our Capacitor project
npx cap add android
Once the platform has been added, you should run:
npx cap open android
This will open your native Android project in Android Studio.
All you have to do is hit the play button on the top-right hand side of the screen.
Build > Generate Signed APK
Once you complete this step, the application will begin building. Once it has finished you will be able to find your signed APK at: