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OS Installation

Paul edited this page Sep 10, 2019 · 1 revision

NOOBS (New Out Of the Box Software)

These instructions assume the use of the Raspberry Pi Foundation's quick install tool NOOBS. NOOBS is preloaded on the kit linked above or it can be downloaded from the NOOBS webpage.

  1. Boot up with NOOBS SD card inserted
    • Initial formatting and setup will occur
  2. Change KB and Language as appropriate
    • Raspian defaults to the UK keyboard layout
  3. Connect to Wi-Fi using the menu option at the top
  4. Wait a moment and the Operating system list should refresh. * If does not refresh restart your R-Pi (power pull unless case has reset button)
    • Now that you have internet access there are more options
  5. Choose Raspian Lite and install
    • Depending on your internet and SD card speed this can take awhile

Raspian First Run Configuration

This section is optional but highly recommended

The default username/password for a Raspberry Pi are pi/raspberry

Raspian comes with a basic configuration tool called raspi-config

sudo raspi-config

Change default password

  • Choose Option 1 to set a new password

Change default hostname

  • Choose Option 2 to and type a new hostname

Enable SSH server

  • Choose Option 5 – Interfacing Options
  • Select SSH
  • Choose Yes
  • Select OK

Exit Raspi-config

  • Choose Finish
  • Reboot if requested

OS Update

Even on a fresh install there are security updates available it’s recommended they be updated before installing packages

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

Once complete reboot

sudo shutdown -r now

Set a Static IP

Rather than re-invent the wheel see:

You are now ready to continue with either:


No Wi-Fi after OS Install (Pi Zero W)

Sometimes after initial install we have found that the Wi-Fi configured during install is not available we can re-enter the connection information in raspi-config

sudo raspi-config

Then use up/down and enter to move through the menus

  • 2 Network Options
  • N2 Wi-Fi
  • Type Your SSID (Wi-Fi network name) Then hit Enter/Return
  • Type Your Wi-Fi password Then hit Enter/Return

Once you return to the main menu. Tab to finish and hit Enter/Return

You will most likely need to reboot to establish Wi-Fi connection

sudo shutdown -r now