Managed with the Nix Home-Manager tool.
note to surpress warning stating that xyz/per-user/root/channels
does not
exist, make said directories.
- clean up
- typed lua
- python
- nushell
- generate via nix command
- symlink via home-manager
- [ ]
tiling + layouts
- login manager:
- "no diplay manager needed"
- input configuration...
- wallpapers: swaybg
output HDMI-A-1 bg ~/wallpaper.png stretch
<- example
- bar: waybar
swaybar - screenshots: flameshot
- program launcher: tofi?
- config:
- appearance:
- color: solarized?
- darkmode: darkman
- fonts:
- gaps: small
- layouts/workspaces:
- notes
- window, horizontal split right, stacked: obsidian vaults
- code
- window, horizontal split: terminal
- browse
- window, horizontal split: firefox
- game
- notes
- appearance:
- other plugins:
- wlr-which-key
- swaylock
- swayidle
- swaync
- swayosd
define some layouts:
- school
- work
- play
- ssh keys
[/] nixvim plugins
- snippets
- [/] startup time
- lazyload
- [/] better lsp config (lazyload, etc.)
- jdtls needs keybind or delay
- mini nvim
- mini.darmo idea
- [ ]
- learn how
- /modules/nixvim.nix
configure less
- note:
- vim cursor color changes when over a character with foreground-color or somethin
- note:
- back up scripts
- --local
- --cloud
- --external
- --fromPath ?
- --toPath ?
- back up scripts