- braintree npm 1.23.0 (server) - https://www.npmjs.com/package/braintree
- braintree javascript client v2 (client) - https://js.braintreegateway.com/v2/braintree.js
There are two possible usages:
i. Braintree
object is directly ported from Npm braintree Braintree = Npm.require('braintree');
, so you can use it to do basically anything.
ii. BraintreeHelper
is a singleton helper object for calling braintree API. It provides Meteor.wrapAsync
on the asynchronous API calls for convenience.
i. In Meteor.startup
(or any other places), connect braintree server, i.e.
Meteor.startup(function() {
var config = {
environment: Braintree.Environment.Sandbox, // OR production
publicKey: 'YOUR PUBLIC KEY,
privateKey: 'YOUR PRIVATE KEY',
merchantId: 'YOUR MERCHANT ID'
ii. To create a client token, i.e.
var options = {}; // fill it, if any
var response = BraintreeHelper.getInstance().clientTokenGenerate(options);
var clientToken = response.clientToken;
iii. To create a transaction, i.e.
var options = {
amount: 10,
paymentMethodNonce: 'NONCE FROM CLIENT'
var response = BraintreeHelper.getInstance().transactionSale(options);
iv. Other API calls
Currently, only two API calls are wrapped with Meteor.wrapAsync
and gateway.transaction.sale
) as shown above in ii) and iii). You are welcome to contribute by wrapping up the other calls as well.
Or as a workaround, you can obtain the gateway object by BraintreeHelper.getInstance().getGateway()
, which would allow you to call any other APIs asynchronously (of course you can still do Meteor.wrapAsync
around them), i.e.
var gateway = BraintreeHelper.getInstance().getGateway();
gateway.clientToken.generate(); // The original API call for generating clientToken
In client side, you can access the braintree
object from the Braintree javascript client( https://js.braintreegateway.com/v2/braintree.js) directly. e.g.
var clientToken = GET_CLIENT_TOKEN_FROM_SERVER(); // e.g. through Meteor.call()
braintree.setup(clientToken, 'dropin', {
container: 'dropin',
paymentMethodNonceReceived: function(event, nonce) {
// You can can send the nonce back to server to proceed with the payment, e.g. through Meteor.call()
For detailed explanation on the client/server interactions, please refer back to Braintree documentation. https://developers.braintreepayments.com/javascript+node/start/overview