Stacked Marginal Time Warping
SMTW(Stacked Marginal Time Warping) is a temporal alignment based on the Stacked Temporal Alignment(STA) framework.
This project mainly contains four experiment in our paper, corresponding to the following four matlab script files.
- testSyncdata.m gives the alignment results on two synthetic spiral data;
- testCOIL.m shows the 3-D representation learned by SMTW, and we also details the layer-1 represention and layer-2 representaion respectivly;
- testDatasetsMocap.m gives the alignment results in practical human activity dataset CMU Mocap dataset, corresponding human activity datasets used in our experiment could be download in;
- testDatasetsKTH.m gives the alignment results in KTH human activity recognition dataset
All the experiments are implemented in Matlab R2010 and run on a workstation equipped with an Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @3.4GHZ processor and 4GB RAM memory.
Any questions please contact [email protected]
- Liquan Nie, Xiang Zhang, Naiyang Guan, Xuhui Huang, Zhigang Luo, Stacked Temporal Alignment,IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (Under Review)