Install git large filesystems (git-lfs) in your .gitconfig (1-time step per unix environment)
$ git lfs install
Clone the git repo with git-lfs enabled
$ git clone --recursive
Note: recursive flag
used to initialize all submodules within the clone
- Setup Xilinx PATH and licensing (if on SLAC AFS network) else requires Vivado install and licensing on your local machine
$ source Simple-rfsoc-4x2-Example/firmware/
- Go to the target directory and make the firmware:
$ cd Simple-rfsoc-4x2-Example/firmware/targets/SimpleRfSoc4x2Example/
$ make
- Optional: Review the results in GUI mode
$ make gui
The .bit and .XSA files are dumped into the SimpleRfSoc4x2Example/image directory:
$ ls -lath SimpleRfSoc4x2Example/images/
total 47M
drwxr-xr-x 5 ruckman re 2.0K Feb 7 07:13 ..
drwxr-xr-x 2 ruckman re 2.0K Feb 4 21:15 .
-rw-r--r-- 1 ruckman re 14M Feb 4 21:15 SimpleRfSoc4x2Example-0x01000000-20220204204648-ruckman-90df89c.xsa
-rw-r--r-- 1 ruckman re 33M Feb 4 21:14 SimpleRfSoc4x2Example-0x01000000-20220204204648-ruckman-90df89c.bit
Generate the .bit and .xsa files (refer to
How to generate the RFSoC .BIT and .XSA files
instructions). -
Setup Xilinx licensing and petalinux software (if on SLAC AFS network) else requires Xilinx & petalinux install on your local machine
# These setup scripts assume that you are on SLAC network
$ source Simple-rfsoc-4x2-Example/firmware/
$ source /path/to/petalinux/2024.2/
- Go to the target directory and run the
script with arg pointing to path of .XSA file:
$ cd Simple-rfsoc-4x2-Example/firmware/targets/SimpleRfSoc4x2Example/
$ source images/SimpleRfSoc4x2Example-0x01000000-20220204204648-ruckman-90df89c.xsa
- Creating Two Partitions. Refer to URL below
- Copy For the boot images, simply copy the files to the FAT partition. This typically will include system.bit, BOOT.BIN, image.ub, and boot.scr. Here's an example:
Note: Assumes SD memory FAT32 is /dev/sde1
in instructions below
sudo mkdir -p boot
sudo mount /dev/sde1 boot
sudo cp Simple-rfsoc-4x2-Example/firmware/build/petalinux/SimpleRfSoc4x2Example/images/linux/system.bit boot/.
sudo cp Simple-rfsoc-4x2-Example/firmware/build/petalinux/SimpleRfSoc4x2Example/images/linux/BOOT.BIN boot/.
sudo cp Simple-rfsoc-4x2-Example/firmware/build/petalinux/SimpleRfSoc4x2Example/images/linux/image.ub boot/.
sudo cp Simple-rfsoc-4x2-Example/firmware/build/petalinux/SimpleRfSoc4x2Example/images/linux/boot.scr boot/.
sudo sync boot/
sudo umount boot
Power down the RFSoC board
Confirm the Mode SW2 [4:1] = 1110 (Mode Pins [3:0]). Note: Switch OFF = 1 = High; ON = 0 = Low.
Power up the RFSoC board
Confirm that you can ping the boot after it boots up
- Assumes the DHCP assigned IP address is
- Using "scp" to copy your .bit file to the SD memory card on the RFSoC. Here's an example:
scp SimpleRfSoc4x2Example-0x01000000-20220204204648-ruckman-90df89c.bit [email protected]:/boot/system.bit
- Send a "sync" and "reboot" command to the RFSoC to load new firmware: Here's an example:
ssh [email protected] '/bin/sync; /sbin/reboot'
- Assumes the DHCP assigned IP address is
- Setup the rogue environment (if on SLAC AFS network) else install rogue (recommend Anaconda method) on your local machine
$ source Simple-rfsoc-4x2-Example/software/
- Lauch the GUI:
$ cd Simple-rfsoc-4x2-Example/software
$ python scripts/ --ip