Releases: slaclab/lcls-python3-envs
python3_rhel7_env v1.3
Now uses python 3.10 along with updates to all packages
python3_rhel7_env v1.2
Version v1.2 of the RHEL 7 compatible python3_rhel7_env conda environment. Includes updated pydm, badger, xopt, slac-alarm-manager, among many other updates. Also adds google-api-python-client, google-auth-httplib2, google-auth-oauthlib, and pynput.
python3_rhel7_env v1.1
Version v1.1 of the RHEL 7 compatible python3_rhel7_env conda environment.
rhel7-nightly: Merge pull request #31 from jbellister-slac/main
Specify the path to the file of the conda environment to create when running a job
What's Changed
- Add MPS_History and MPS_Database by @laura-king in #17
- Add multiset package to the environment by @jbellister-slac in #18
- Add the plex package by @jbellister-slac in #19
- Add caproto by @jbellister-slac in #20
- Updates to many existing packages
Full Changelog: v2.4...v2.5
This release adds packages for xopt development.
This release adds xopt
Adds kafka-python, black, dm-tree, gpflow, and tensorflow-probability. By dependencies also adds atomicwrites, dataclasses, deprecated, js2py, multipledispatch, mypy_extensions, pathspec, platformdirs, tabulate, and typed-ast.
Updates bmad, harfbuzz, jupyter_server, pango, setuptools, and urllib3.
nightly: Merge pull request #9 from jbellister-slac/add_packages
Add several packages
Relaxes the python pin to just 3.8, allowing a more recent version of bmad.