This sensor is scraping data from Put id of receiver command (see contract with PRE CZ or your energy meter) in configuration.yaml
This sensor always show
- current state of HDO
- HTML to render schedule bar
- time to reach low tariff or time needed to wait for low tarrif
optionally also
- if a an applience (e.g. washing machine) can be run now to finish under low tariff
Note: Are you customer of CEZ? Look here:
Copy this folder to <config_dir>/custom_components/predistribuce/
Add the following to your configuration.yaml
# Example configuration.yaml entry for showing current HDO state and HTML for rendering a time schedule
platform: predistribuce
name: nocni proud
receiver_command_id: 605
# entry as above + extra binary sensors that show if a an applience (e.g. washing machine) can be run now to finish under low tariff
- platform: predistribuce
receiver_command_id: 605
- name: HDO Pračka
minutes: 30
- name: HDO Myčka
minutes: 150
You can display visually low/high tarrif overview throughout the day.
Prerequisite is to install Lovelace Html Card, ideally from HACS. Once installed, create a new Lovelace card manually. Paste following content inside:
type: 'custom:html-card'
title: PRE tarif
content: |
Do not forget to replace hdo_aktualne
by your entity name.