Swag-Bag is a convenient package for accessing the color palettes and logos of your favorite sports teams. It enables you to create beautifully themed visualizations with a little swag.
python and R packages are both currently under construction. Stay tuned for install instructions!
from swagbag import swag
colors = swag.TeamColors("Chicago Bulls", 2, "hex")
Then, you can hook into your favorite plotting package...
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame([{'A':'Hodor', 'B':7},
{'A':'Bran', 'B':3}])
my_palette = sns.color_palette(colors)
sns.barplot(x='A', y='B', data=df, palette=my_palette, saturation=1)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
logo = swag.TeamLogos("Chicago Bulls")
*NOTE: this project is in beta, so documentation may lag from present usage