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explicitly check the triangle faces as 3 shared vertex does not neces…
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sloriot committed Nov 27, 2024
1 parent 462762f commit 1cdc978
Showing 1 changed file with 140 additions and 70 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ class Intersection_of_triangle_meshes
CGAL_assertion_code(bool doing_autorefinement;)

// member functions
template <class VPMF, class VPME, class ISM>
template <class VPMF, class VPME, class IFSM, class IESM>
void filter_intersections(const TriangleMesh& tm_f,
const TriangleMesh& tm_e,
const VPMF& vpm_f,
Expand All @@ -252,8 +252,8 @@ class Intersection_of_triangle_meshes
std::set<face_descriptor>& tm_f_faces,
std::set<face_descriptor>& tm_e_faces,
Bbox_3 g_bb,
ISM is_shared_map_f,
ISM is_shared_map_e,
IFSM is_shared_map_f,
IESM is_shared_map_e,
bool run_check)
std::vector<Box> face_boxes, edge_boxes;
Expand All @@ -263,16 +263,11 @@ class Intersection_of_triangle_meshes
for(face_descriptor fd : faces(tm_f))
if (get(is_shared_map_f,fd)) continue;
halfedge_descriptor h=halfedge(fd,tm_f);
Bbox_3 bb = get(vpm_f,source(h,tm_f)).bbox() +
get(vpm_f,target(h,tm_f)).bbox() +
if (get(is_shared_map_f,source(h,tm_f)) &&
get(is_shared_map_f,target(h,tm_f)) &&
if (do_overlap(bb, g_bb))
face_boxes.emplace_back(bb, h);
Expand All @@ -286,14 +281,10 @@ class Intersection_of_triangle_meshes
// general manifold case
for(edge_descriptor ed : edges(tm_e))
if (get(is_shared_map_e,ed)) continue;
halfedge_descriptor h=halfedge(ed,tm_e);
Bbox_3 bb = get(vpm_e,source(h,tm_e)).bbox() +
if (get(is_shared_map_e,source(h,tm_e)) &&

if (do_overlap(bb, g_bb))
Expand All @@ -316,13 +307,10 @@ class Intersection_of_triangle_meshes
// make sure the halfedge used is consistent with stored one
h = halfedge(non_manifold_feature_map.non_manifold_edges[eid].front(), tm_e);
if (get(is_shared_map_e,edge(h,tm_e))) continue;
Bbox_3 bb = get(vpm_e,source(h,tm_e)).bbox() +
if (get(is_shared_map_e,source(h,tm_e)) &&

if (do_overlap(bb, g_bb))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1757,76 +1745,158 @@ class Intersection_of_triangle_meshes
Bbox_3 bb12((std::max)(tm1_bb.xmin(),tm2_bb.xmin()), (std::max)(tm1_bb.ymin(),tm2_bb.ymin()), (std::max)(tm1_bb.zmin(),tm2_bb.zmin()),
(std::min)(tm1_bb.xmax(),tm2_bb.xmax()), (std::min)(tm1_bb.ymax(),tm2_bb.ymax()), (std::min)(tm1_bb.zmax(),tm2_bb.zmax()));

//~ if (true)
//~ {
std::vector<vertex_descriptor> tm1_verts, tm2_verts;
for (vertex_descriptor v : vertices(tm1))
// used only if throw_on_self_intersection == true
// TODO: use a hashmap or dynamic_property?
std::set<face_descriptor> tm1_faces;
std::set<face_descriptor> tm2_faces;

// preprocessing to detect identical faces/edges and
// ignore them in the intersection tests
std::vector<vertex_descriptor> tm1_verts, tm2_verts;
for (vertex_descriptor v : vertices(tm1))
const auto& p = get(vpm1, v);
if (p.x()<=bb12.xmax() && p.x()>=bb12.xmin() &&
p.y()<=bb12.ymax() && p.y()>=bb12.ymin() &&
p.z()<=bb12.zmax() && p.z()>=bb12.zmin())
const auto& p = get(vpm1, v);
if (p.x()<=bb12.xmax() && p.x()>=bb12.xmin() &&
p.y()<=bb12.ymax() && p.y()>=bb12.ymin() &&
p.z()<=bb12.zmax() && p.z()>=bb12.zmin())
for (vertex_descriptor v : vertices(tm2))
for (vertex_descriptor v : vertices(tm2))
const auto& p = get(vpm2, v);
if (p.x()<=bb12.xmax() && p.x()>=bb12.xmin() &&
p.y()<=bb12.ymax() && p.y()>=bb12.ymin() &&
p.z()<=bb12.zmax() && p.z()>=bb12.zmin())

std::sort(tm1_verts.begin(), tm1_verts.end(),
[&vpm1](vertex_descriptor v1, vertex_descriptor v2)
{ return get(vpm1, v1) < get(vpm1, v2);});
std::sort(tm2_verts.begin(), tm2_verts.end(),
[&vpm2](vertex_descriptor v1, vertex_descriptor v2)
{ return get(vpm2, v1) < get(vpm2, v2);});

static constexpr std::size_t NOT_SHARED = std::size_t(-1);
auto is_vshared_map1 = get(CGAL::dynamic_vertex_property_t<std::size_t>(), tm1, NOT_SHARED);
auto is_vshared_map2 = get(CGAL::dynamic_vertex_property_t<std::size_t>(), tm2, NOT_SHARED);
std::vector<std::pair<vertex_descriptor, vertex_descriptor> > common_vertices;

auto itv1=tm1_verts.begin(), itv1_end=tm1_verts.end(),
itv2=tm2_verts.begin(), itv2_end=tm2_verts.end();
while (itv1!=itv1_end && itv2!=itv2_end)
if (get(vpm1, *itv1) < get(vpm2, *itv2))
const auto& p = get(vpm2, v);
if (p.x()<=bb12.xmax() && p.x()>=bb12.xmin() &&
p.y()<=bb12.ymax() && p.y()>=bb12.ymin() &&
p.z()<=bb12.zmax() && p.z()>=bb12.zmin())
if (!(get(vpm2, *itv2) < get(vpm1, *itv1)))
put(is_vshared_map1, *itv1, common_vertices.size());
put(is_vshared_map2, *itv2, common_vertices.size());
common_vertices.emplace_back(*itv1, *itv2);

if (common_vertices.size()>=3)
auto is_fshared_map1 = get(CGAL::dynamic_face_property_t<bool>(), tm1, false);
auto is_fshared_map2 = get(CGAL::dynamic_face_property_t<bool>(), tm2, false);
auto is_eshared_map1 = get(CGAL::dynamic_edge_property_t<bool>(), tm1, false);
auto is_eshared_map2 = get(CGAL::dynamic_edge_property_t<bool>(), tm2, false);

std::sort(tm1_verts.begin(), tm1_verts.end(),
[&vpm1](vertex_descriptor v1, vertex_descriptor v2)
{ return get(vpm1, v1) < get(vpm1, v2);});
std::sort(tm2_verts.begin(), tm2_verts.end(),
[&vpm2](vertex_descriptor v1, vertex_descriptor v2)
{ return get(vpm2, v1) < get(vpm2, v2);});
auto array_less = [](const std::array<std::size_t,3>& a1,
const std::array<std::size_t,3>& a2)
if (a1[0]!=a2[0]) return a1[0] < a2[0];
return a1[1] < a2[1];

std::vector<std::pair<vertex_descriptor, vertex_descriptor> > common_vertices;

auto itv1=tm1_verts.begin(), itv1_end=tm1_verts.end(),
itv2=tm2_verts.begin(), itv2_end=tm2_verts.end();
while (itv1!=itv1_end && itv2!=itv2_end)
for (const std::pair<vertex_descriptor, vertex_descriptor>& vp : common_vertices)
if (get(vpm1, *itv1) < get(vpm2, *itv2))
std::vector<face_descriptor> tm1_faces;
std::vector<std::array<std::size_t,3>> face_set; // [2] = id of face in tm1_faces

for (halfedge_descriptor h : halfedges_around_target(vp.first, tm1))
if (!(get(vpm2, *itv2) < get(vpm1, *itv1)))
face_descriptor f1 = face(h, tm1);
if (f1 == graph_traits::null_face()) continue;
std::size_t k1 = get(is_vshared_map1, source(h,tm1));
h = next(h, tm1);
std::size_t k2 = get(is_vshared_map1, target(h,tm1));
if (k1!=NOT_SHARED && k2!=NOT_SHARED)
common_vertices.emplace_back(*itv1, *itv2);
if (k2<k1) std::swap(k1,k2);
if (face_set.empty()) continue;
std::sort(face_set.begin(), face_set.end(), array_less);

auto is_shared_map1 = get(CGAL::dynamic_vertex_property_t<bool>(), tm1, false);
auto is_shared_map2 = get(CGAL::dynamic_vertex_property_t<bool>(), tm2, false);
for (halfedge_descriptor h : halfedges_around_target(vp.second, tm2))
face_descriptor f2 = face(h, tm2);
if (f2 == graph_traits::null_face()) continue;
std::size_t k1 = get(is_vshared_map2, source(h,tm2));
h = next(h, tm2);
std::size_t k2 = get(is_vshared_map2, target(h,tm2));
if (k1!=NOT_SHARED && k2!=NOT_SHARED)
if (k2<k1) std::swap(k1,k2);

for (const std::pair<vertex_descriptor, vertex_descriptor>& vp : common_vertices)
put(is_shared_map1, vp.first, true);
put(is_shared_map2, vp.second, true);
std::cout << "# common_vertices " << common_vertices.size() << "\n";
//~ }
auto it = std::lower_bound(face_set.begin(), face_set.end(), CGAL::make_array(k1,k2,NOT_SHARED), array_less);
if ( (it != face_set.end()) && (*it)[0]==k1 && (*it)[1]==k2 )
put(is_fshared_map1, tm1_faces[(*it)[2]], true);
put(is_fshared_map2, f2, true);

halfedge_descriptor h=halfedge(tm1_faces[(*it)[2]], tm1);
for (int i=0;i<3;++i)
put(is_eshared_map1, edge(h, tm1), true);
h=halfedge(f2, tm2);
for (int i=0;i<3;++i)
put(is_eshared_map2, edge(h, tm2), true);

// used only if throw_on_self_intersection == true
std::set<face_descriptor> tm1_faces;
std::set<face_descriptor> tm2_faces;
// TODO: is_eshared_map1 and is_eshared_map2 should be also put in ecm

filter_intersections(tm1, tm2, vpm1, vpm2, non_manifold_feature_map_2, throw_on_self_intersection, tm1_faces, tm2_faces, bb12, is_shared_map1, is_shared_map2, false);
filter_intersections(tm2, tm1, vpm2, vpm1, non_manifold_feature_map_1, throw_on_self_intersection, tm2_faces, tm1_faces, bb12, is_shared_map2, is_shared_map1, true);
filter_intersections(tm1, tm2, vpm1, vpm2, non_manifold_feature_map_2, throw_on_self_intersection, tm1_faces, tm2_faces, bb12,
is_fshared_map1, is_eshared_map2, false);
filter_intersections(tm2, tm1, vpm2, vpm1, non_manifold_feature_map_1, throw_on_self_intersection, tm2_faces, tm1_faces, bb12,
is_fshared_map2, is_eshared_map1, true);
Static_boolean_property_map<face_descriptor,false> is_fshared_map;
Static_boolean_property_map<edge_descriptor,false> is_eshared_map;
filter_intersections(tm1, tm2, vpm1, vpm2, non_manifold_feature_map_2, throw_on_self_intersection, tm1_faces, tm2_faces, bb12,
is_fshared_map, is_eshared_map, false);
filter_intersections(tm2, tm1, vpm2, vpm1, non_manifold_feature_map_1, throw_on_self_intersection, tm2_faces, tm1_faces, bb12,
is_fshared_map, is_eshared_map, true);

Node_id current_node((std::numeric_limits<Node_id>::max)());
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