This SM Framework extension set contains the following postgresql related extensions:
The PostgreSQL database system. Read postgresql/ for more details.
Provides Connection Pooling, Replication, Load Balancing, Limiting Exceeding Connections, Parallel Query. Read pgpool/ for more details.
Provides Session pooling, Transaction pooling, Statement pooling. Read pgbouncer/ for more details.
adds support for geographic "spatial" objects to the PostgreSQL object-relational database. Read postgis/ for more details.
a PostgreSQL-backed queueing library that is focused on concurrent job locking, minimizing database load & providing a simple & intuitive user experience. Read queue_classic/ for more details.
a set of open source tools that helps DBAs and System administrators manage a cluster of PostgreSQL databases. Read repmgr/ for more details.
a "master to multiple slaves" trigger based replication system for PostgreSQL supporting cascading (e.g. - a node can feed another node which feeds another node...) and failover. Read slony/ for more details.
To install this extension set, with the latest SM Framework you can do:
sm get head # Ensuring we are on the latest SM Framework.
sm set install postgresql # Installing this (known) extension set.
Alternatively the uri may be specified:
sm set install postgresql git://
After this you may issue the extension specific commands you require such as:
sm postgresql install
sm pgpool install
NOTE: postgresql used to be located in sm-databases, so if you have an older sm-databases upgrade it so that you no longer have a postgresql extension in it:
sm set install databases