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Daan Bloembergen edited this page Jul 30, 2015 · 1 revision

Sometimes things don't work as they should. It's robotics, after all. Some common problems an their solution are listed here.

Run test script

It's always good to check on the general status of the system after boot. In a terminal, run:


Typically all checks should return OK. Here's what you can do if they don't.

Video devices error

If either /dev/mitro/video_front or /dev/mitro/video_bottom gives an error, try re-plugging the USB connectors. After this, you'll have to restart the multicam daemon as well.

If either device /dev/video10 or the v4l_info checks give an error this means that the v4l2loopback driver didn't load. Run:

sudo modprobe v4l2loopback video_nr=10

Process error

Sometimes applications or daemons do not start. If multicam isn't running (and the webcam lights are off), run:

sudo service multicam start

If Skype isn't running, start Skype.

If the webcontrol server isn't running, start it:

roscd mitro_webcontrol

ROS error

The topic /base_scan shouldn't give an error. If it does, check if the cable to the Hokuyo came loose.

If /joint_states gives an error this means that the RoboClaw isn't responding. Check if the relais is enabled and the runstop is disengaged and try again. It might take around 20 seconds for the RoboClaw to reset.

If either the /kinect/depth/points or the /cloud_obstacles (or likely both) give an error, something is wrong with the Kinect (or, more correctly, ASUS Xtion). First, try restarting the mitro_bringup daemon:

sudo service mitro_bringup stop
sudo service mitro_bringup start

If this doesn't help, try launching the mitro stack directly so you can get more output:

sudo service mitro_bringup stop
roslaunch mitro_bringup mitro.launch

If the kinect_nodelet dies, you might have to re-plug the USB connector of the ASUS Xtion and try again.

Run the diagnostics tool

It might also be helpful to look at the diagnostics tool of ROS. Either run this on a remote computer (set the correct ROS master address first) or run this on the screen of MITRO:

rosrun rqt_robot_monitor rqt_robot_monitor

All should be green. If not, here's what to do.

Computer error

Good luck.. this can have many many causes. Try launching mitro_diagnostics seperately to see what the specific problem is and go from there.

Joystick error

Make sure the PS3 joystick is paired and activated.

Battery error

If the Base battery shows "no data received" this means the RoboClaw isn't responding. Check if the relais is enabled and the runstop is disengaged and try again. It might take around 20 seconds for the RoboClaw to reset.

If the PC battery shows "Cannot connect to the power board" this means that python cannot talk to the openUPS. Most likely, the driver failed to load. Start it using:

sudo service nut-server start

You can test if the driver is loaded in the terminal using:

sudo upsc openups@localhost

If all is well, this should return a bunch of data.

Hokuyo error

Highly unlikely. Probably the Hokuyo isn't plugged in, check the USB cable.