##👋Hello, I'm Mahfuz Ahammed
B.Sc in Computer Science And Engineering at Dhaka University Of Engineering And Technology (DUET).
I'm high passionate about software engineering and problem solving.I love it too much.
🔭 I’m currently learning backend technology specialy ASP.Net Core and also good at MERN and Django .
🌱 I’m also interested Machine Learnig Data Science and AI. This field very interesting and thats why sometimes i will try to learn these.
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Software Development of any valuable company or partner.
🤔 I’m looking for help with development.
💬 Ask me about any question via email([email protected])
📫 How to reach me: email: [email protected]
😄 Pronouns: ...mah fuzz
⚡ Fun fact: