SmartSense Solutions has introduced SSLazyList
, SSLazyList
makes working with List
in SwiftUI more efficient and elegant. By providing customisable list cell animations, loading views, no data messages, and flexible configurations, it serves as a wrapper for the standard List
hence developer can leverage all features available in List
- Pagination: Easy to manage pagination and reloading of data
- Refresh/Reload data: Easily set Pull to refresh with your custom views and stop handler...
- Load More data: Easily to intigrate load more feature with Closing handler...
- Cell Animation: Enjoy elegant animations when cells appear.
- Custom Views
- Loading View: Easily set or use a default
view to indicate data loading.
- Loading View: Easily set or use a default
- No Data Found Message: Display a default or custom message when no data is returned from an API.
- Highly Configurable: Enjoy 100% flexibility in usage with a wide range of configurable options.
With the standard SwiftUI List
, a non-optional array of data models is required:
@State var records: [Record] = []
List(records) { record in
ListRowView(record: record)
With SSLazyList
, you can use an optional array of data models and configure the list easily:
@State private var records : [Record]? = nil
var config: SSConfigLazyList {
let configuration = SSConfigLazyList(animator: .auto(.bouncy, .always))
return configuration
SSLazyList(data: records, rowContent: { record in
VStack{ // your row content ...
Spacer(minLength: 10)
}, configuration: config)
Here's an example of how to configure SSLazyList
var config: SSConfigLazyList {
//SSLazyList configuration
let configuration = SSConfigLazyList()
///`[UseCase 1]`
//1. bouncy animation on each scroll
configuration.setNewCellAnimation(animator: .auto(.bouncy, .always))
//2. bouncy animation on cell visibily once
configuration.setNewCellAnimation(animator: .auto(.bouncy, .once))
//3. animate from right to left
configuration.setNewCellAnimation(animator: .fromRight(.default))
///`[UseCase 2]`
//1. using default loading indictor it array of data model is not set with API Response
configuration.setLoadingView(viewType: .system)
//2. provide custom view...
configuration.setLoadingView(viewType: .customView(AnyView(Text("please wait..."))))
///`[UseCase 3]`
//1. using default `No data found` view to show there is not data available aka blank array (eg. users = [])
configuration.setNoDataView(viewType: .system)
//2. provide custom view...
configuration.setNoDataView(viewType: .customView(AnyView(Text("No user available."))))
///`**[UseCase 4]**`
//1. set pulltorefresh view
configuration.setReloadType(viewType: SSPullToRefresh(displayView: {
AnyView(DisaplyDraggingView(title: "Pull-Down to Refresh"))
}, loadingView: {
}, onTrigger: { allowAgain in
print("refresh action")
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 1, execute: {
///reseting array with fresh server response
self.start = 0
self.records = DataPaginationService.paginateData(dataList: localDb, start: start, length: length).data
///AFTER API CALL , Call `allowAgain` Closure with value `true` to allow sytem to show pulltoRefresh again
///`**[UseCase 5]**`
//1. set LoadMore View in simple way:
configuration.setLoadMoreType(viewType: SSLoadMore(type: .onPullUp, displayView: {
AnyView(DisaplyDraggingView(title: "Pull-Up to Load More"))
}, loadingView: {
}, onTrigger: { hasMoreRecords in
print("page loading action")
if self.records != nil{
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 1, execute: {
///Appending server response to array
self.records!.append(contentsOf: DataPaginationService.paginateData(dataList: localDb, start: start, length: length).data)
///AFTER API CALL , Call `allowAgain` Closure with value `true`
///To allow sytem to show `load more` again if there is More data available on server or in DB.
hasMoreRecords(self.records!.count < localDb.count)
///Default when No data...
return configuration
This configuration allows you to leverage custom animations and system views for loading and no data states, ensuring a smooth and elegant user experience.
try the demo project for better understanding.
The data model should implement the Identifiable
protocol, just like what's needed for a standard SwiftUI List
Cocoapods Source available here
To integrate SSLazyList into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile
pod 'SSLazyList', '~> 1.2.0'
and in your code add import SSLazyList.
When using Xcode 14 or later, you can install SSLazyList
by going to your Project settings > Swift Packages
and add the repository by providing the GitHub URL. Alternatively, you can go to File
> Swift Packages
> Add Package Dependencies...
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", .branch("main"))
- iOS v15.0+
- Swift v5.0+
- SwiftUI
- XCode v14+
SSLazyList does not collect any kind of data in anyway.
We welcome contributions! Please see our contributing guidelines for more details.
The SwiftUI LazyList Library is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more information.