1776 commits
to ccip-develop
since this release
Full Changelog: v2.10.0-ccip1.4.11-release...v2.11.0-ccip1.4.15-release
- Chainlink Node 2.11 #779
- Add MetricsRegisterer to CCIP OracleArgs after bumping libocr #771
- Fixing LogPoller read queries by proper ordering in some of the read queries #783
- Updating chain-selectors to 1.0.15 #794
- Improved fetching of Commit Reports from the database #726
- Detailed logging for Execution Plugin #699
- Attestation API self-rate limitting #666
- Ignore price reporting for tokens that are not defined in the JobSpec, this makes JobSpec the source of truth for tokens that require price reporting, paving the way for removal of static price reporting #686
- Exposing prom metric with latest finalized block smartcontractkit/chainlink#12339
- Fixing log line in CCIP commit plugin observePriceUpdates missing key/value #835
- Cherry-picking CPU fixes for Core v2.11 finalized blocker header tracking #884
- Hide finalized blocker header tracking behind feature flag: #946
- Do not reject entire observations based on token price: #930
- Exec NewReportingPlugin must not error: #894
- Bump chain-selectors to 1.0.16: #982