Revert "Validate config on NewApplication (#12997)" #62860
20 warnings
Solidity Lint:
'libType' is never reassigned. Use 'const' instead
Solidity Lint:
'dataBuffer' is never reassigned. Use 'const' instead
Solidity Lint:
'encoded' is never reassigned. Use 'const' instead
Solidity Lint:
'transaction' is never reassigned. Use 'const' instead
Solidity Lint:
Use "@ts-expect-error" instead of "@ts-ignore", as "@ts-ignore" will do nothing if the following line is error-free
Solidity Lint:
'arbitrumSequencerStatusRecorderAbi' is defined but never used. Allowed unused vars must match /^_/u
Solidity Lint:
Use "@ts-expect-error" instead of "@ts-ignore", as "@ts-ignore" will do nothing if the following line is error-free
Solidity Lint:
'arbitrumInboxAbi' is defined but never used. Allowed unused vars must match /^_/u
Solidity Lint:
Use "@ts-expect-error" instead of "@ts-ignore", as "@ts-ignore" will do nothing if the following line is error-free
Solidity Lint:
'dataBuffer' is never reassigned. Use 'const' instead
Solidity Lint
Interface name 'AutomationRegistryBase2_3' must start with "I"
Solidity Lint
GC: For [ StateLegacy ] struct, packing seems inefficient. Try rearranging to achieve 32bytes slots
Solidity Lint
GC: For [ OnchainConfigLegacy ] struct, packing seems inefficient. Try rearranging to achieve 32bytes slots
Solidity Lint
GC: For [ InitialTriggerConfig ] struct, packing seems inefficient. Try rearranging to achieve 32bytes slots
Solidity Lint
Contract has 30 states declarations but allowed no more than 15
Solidity Lint
GC: For [ BillingConfig ] struct, packing seems inefficient. Try rearranging to achieve 32bytes slots
Solidity Lint
Avoid to use tx.origin
Solidity Lint
Avoid to use low level calls
Solidity Lint
Avoid to use low level calls
Solidity Lint
Interface name 'AutomationCompatibleInterface' must start with "I"