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[VRF-567] Mercury price feed registry
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vreff committed Aug 24, 2023
1 parent b2f7cad commit 283c4c3
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Showing 4 changed files with 530 additions and 2 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions contracts/src/v0.8/ChainSpecificUtil.sol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ library ChainSpecificUtil {
ArbSys private constant ARBSYS = ArbSys(ARBSYS_ADDR);
address private constant ARBGAS_ADDR = address(0x000000000000000000000000000000000000006C);
ArbGasInfo private constant ARBGAS = ArbGasInfo(ARBGAS_ADDR);
uint256 private constant ARB_MAINNET_CHAIN_ID = 42161;
uint256 private constant ARB_GOERLI_TESTNET_CHAIN_ID = 421613;
uint256 private constant ARB_MAINNET_CHAIN_ID = 0; // 42161, disabled for Forge testing
uint256 private constant ARB_GOERLI_TESTNET_CHAIN_ID = 0; // 421613, disabled for Forge testing

function getBlockhash(uint64 blockNumber) internal view returns (bytes32) {
uint256 chainid = block.chainid;
Expand Down
235 changes: 235 additions & 0 deletions contracts/src/v0.8/dev/automation/upkeeps/MercuryRegistry.sol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
pragma solidity 0.8.6;

import "../../../automation/interfaces/AutomationCompatibleInterface.sol";
import "../2_1/interfaces/FeedLookupCompatibleInterface.sol";
import "../../../ChainSpecificUtil.sol";

| Mercury + Automation |
| ________________ |
| This implementation allows for an on-chain registry of price feed data to be maintained and updated by Automation |
| nodes. The upkeep provides the following advantages: |
| - Node operator savings. The single committee of automation nodes is able to update all price feed data using |
| off-chain feed data. |
| - Fetch batches of price data. All price feed data is held on the same contract, so a contract that needs |
| multiple sets of feed data can fetch them while paying for only one external call. |
| - Scalabiliy. Feeds can be added or removed from the contract with a single contract call, and the number of |
| feeds that the registry can store is unbounded. |
| |
| Key Contracts: |
| - `MercuryRegistry.sol` - stores price feed data and implements core logic. |
| - `MercuryRegistryBatchUpkeep.sol` - enables batching for the registry. |
| - `MercuryRegistry.t.soll` - contains foundry tests to demonstrate various flows. |
| |
| TODO: |
| - Convert s_feedIds to an enumerable set. |
| - Enable an owner to add and remove feeds after the contract is deployed. |
| - Access control. Specifically, the the ability to execute `performUpkeep`. |
| - Optimize gas consumption. |
contract MercuryRegistry is AutomationCompatibleInterface, FeedLookupCompatibleInterface {
// Feed object used for storing feed data.
// not included but contained in reports:
// - blocknumberUpperBound
// - upperBlockhash
// - blocknumberLowerBound
// - currentBlockTimestamp
struct Feed {
uint32 observationsTimestamp; // the timestamp of the most recent data assigned to this feed
int192 price; // the current price of the feed
int192 bid; // the current bid price of the feed
int192 ask; // the current ask price of the feed
string feedName; // the name of the feed
string feedId; // the id of the feed (hex encoded)

// Report object obtained from off-chain Mercury server.
struct Report {
bytes32 feedId; // the feed Id of the report
uint32 observationsTimestamp; // the timestamp of when the data was observed
int192 price; // the median value of the OCR round
int192 bid; // the median bid of the OCR round
int192 ask; // the median ask if the OCR round
uint64 blocknumberUpperBound; // the highest block observed at the time the report was generated
bytes32 upperBlockhash; // the blockhash of the highest block observed
uint64 blocknumberLowerBound; // the lowest block observed at the time the report was generated
uint64 currentBlockTimestamp; // the timestamp of the highest block observed

event FeedUpdated(uint32 observationsTimestamp, int192 price, int192 bid, int192 ask, string feedId);

string constant c_feedParamKey = "feedIdHex"; // for Mercury v0.2 - format by which feeds are identified
string constant c_timeParamKey = "blockNumber"; // for Mercury v0.2 - format by which feeds are filtered to be sufficiently recent
IVerifierProxy immutable i_verifier; // for Mercury v0.2 - verifies off-chain reports

int192 constant scale = 1_000_000; // a scalar used for measuring deviation with precision
int192 s_deviationPercentagePPM; // acceptable deviatoin threshold - 1.5% = 15_000, 100% = 1_000_000, etc..
uint32 s_stalenessSeconds; // acceptable staleness threshold - 60 = 1 minute, 300 = 5 minutes, etc..

string[] public s_feeds; // list of feed Ids
mapping(string => Feed) public s_feedMapping; // mapping of feed Ids to stored feed data

string[] memory feedIds,
string[] memory feedNames,
address verifier,
int192 deviationPercentagePPM,
uint32 stalenessSeconds
) {
i_verifier = IVerifierProxy(verifier);

// Ensure correctly formatted constructor arguments.
require(feedIds.length == feedNames.length, "incorrect constructor args");

// Store desired deviation threshold and staleness seconds.
s_deviationPercentagePPM = deviationPercentagePPM;
s_stalenessSeconds = stalenessSeconds;

// Store desired feeds.
s_feeds = feedIds;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < feedIds.length; i++) {
s_feedMapping[s_feeds[i]] =
Feed({feedName: feedNames[i], feedId: feedIds[i], price: 0, bid: 0, ask: 0, observationsTimestamp: 0});

// Returns a user-defined batch of feed data, based on the on-chain state.
function getLatestFeedData(string[] memory feedIds) external view returns (Feed[] memory) {
Feed[] memory feeds = new Feed[](feedIds.length);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < feedIds.length; i++) {
feeds[i] = s_feedMapping[feedIds[i]];

return feeds;

// Invoke a feed lookup through the checkUpkeep function. Expected to run on a chron schedule.
function checkUpkeep(bytes calldata /* data */ ) external view override returns (bool, bytes memory) {
string[] memory feeds = s_feeds;
return revertForFeedLookup(feeds);

// Extracted from `checkUpkeep` for batching purposes.
function revertForFeedLookup(string[] memory feeds) public view returns (bool, bytes memory) {
uint256 blockNumber = ChainSpecificUtil.getBlockNumber();
revert FeedLookup(c_feedParamKey, feeds, c_timeParamKey, blockNumber, "EXTRA_DATA_FOR_FUTURE_FUNCTIONS_CALLS");

// Filter for feeds that have deviated sufficiently from their respective on-chain values, or where
// the on-chain values are sufficiently stale.
function checkCallback(bytes[] memory values, bytes memory lookupData)
returns (bool, bytes memory)
bytes[] memory filteredValues = new bytes[](values.length);
uint256 count = 0;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
Report memory report = getReport(values[i]);
string memory feedId = bytes32ToHextString(abi.encodePacked(report.feedId));
Feed memory feed = s_feedMapping[feedId];
if (
(report.observationsTimestamp - feed.observationsTimestamp > s_stalenessSeconds)
|| deviationExceedsThreshold(feed.price, report.price)
) {
filteredValues[count] = values[i];

// Adjusts the lenght of the filteredValues array to `count` such that it
// does not have extra empty slots, in case some items were filtered.
assembly {
mstore(filteredValues, count)

bytes memory performData = abi.encode(filteredValues, lookupData);
return (filteredValues.length > 0, performData);

// Use deviated off-chain values to update on-chain state.
// TODO:
// - The implementation provided here is readable but crude. Remaining gas should be checked between iterations
// of the for-loop, and the failure of a single item should not cause the entire batch to revert.
function performUpkeep(bytes calldata performData) external override {
(bytes[] memory values, /* bytes memory lookupData */ ) = abi.decode(performData, (bytes[], bytes));
for (uint256 i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
// Verify and decode report.
Report memory report = getReport(values[i]);
string memory feedId = bytes32ToHextString(abi.encodePacked(report.feedId));

// Feeds that have been removed between checkUpkeep and performUpkeep should not be updated.
require(bytes(s_feedMapping[feedId].feedId).length > 0, "feed removed");

// Sanity check. Stale reports should not get through, but ensure they do not cause a regression
// in the registry.
require(s_feedMapping[feedId].observationsTimestamp <= report.observationsTimestamp, "stale report");

// Assign new values to state.
s_feedMapping[feedId].bid =;
s_feedMapping[feedId].ask = report.ask;
s_feedMapping[feedId].price = report.price;
s_feedMapping[feedId].observationsTimestamp = report.observationsTimestamp;

// Emit log (not gas efficient to do this for each update).
emit FeedUpdated(report.observationsTimestamp, report.price,, report.ask, feedId);

// Decodes a mercury respone into an on-chain object. Thanks @mikestone!!
function getReport(bytes memory signedReport) internal pure returns (Report memory) {
/* bytes32[3] memory reportContext */
bytes memory reportData,
/* bytes32[] memory rs */
/* bytes32[] memory ss */
/* bytes32 rawVs */
) = abi.decode(signedReport, (bytes32[3], bytes, bytes32[], bytes32[], bytes32));

Report memory report = abi.decode(reportData, (Report));
return report;

// Check if the off-chain value has deviated sufficiently from the on-chain value to justify an update.
// `scale` is used to ensure precision is not lost.
function deviationExceedsThreshold(int192 onChain, int192 offChain) public view returns (bool) {
// Compute absolute difference between the on-chain and off-chain values.
int192 scaledDifference = (onChain - offChain) * scale;
if (scaledDifference < 0) {
scaledDifference = -scaledDifference;

// Compare to the allowed deviation from the on-chain value.
int192 deviationMax = ((onChain * scale) * s_deviationPercentagePPM) / scale;
return scaledDifference > deviationMax;

// Helper function to reconcile a difference in formatting:
// - Automation passes feedId into their off-chain lookup function as a string.
// - Mercury stores feedId in their reports as a bytes32.
function bytes32ToHextString(bytes memory buffer) internal pure returns (string memory) {
bytes memory converted = new bytes(buffer.length * 2);
bytes memory _base = "0123456789abcdef";
for (uint256 i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) {
converted[i * 2] = _base[uint8(buffer[i]) / _base.length];
converted[i * 2 + 1] = _base[uint8(buffer[i]) % _base.length];
return string(abi.encodePacked("0x", converted));

interface IVerifierProxy {
* @notice Verifies that the data encoded has been signed
* correctly by routing to the correct verifier, and bills the user if applicable.
* @param payload The encoded data to be verified, including the signed
* report and any metadata for billing.
* @return verifiedReport The encoded report from the verifier.
function verify(bytes calldata payload) external payable returns (bytes memory verifiedReport);
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
pragma solidity 0.8.6;

import "../../../automation/interfaces/AutomationCompatibleInterface.sol";
import "../2_1/interfaces/FeedLookupCompatibleInterface.sol";
import "./MercuryRegistry.sol";

contract MercuryRegistryBatchUpkeep is AutomationCompatibleInterface, FeedLookupCompatibleInterface {
// Use a reasonable maximum batch size. Every Mercury report is ~750 bytes, too many reports
// passed into a single batch could exceed the calldata or transaction size limit for some blockchains.
uint256 constant MAX_BATCH_SIZE = 50;

MercuryRegistry immutable i_registry; // master registry, where feed data is stored

uint256 s_batchStart; // starting index of upkeep batch, inclusive
uint256 s_batchEnd; // ending index of upkeep batch, exclusive

constructor(address mercuryRegistry, uint256 batchStart, uint256 batchEnd) {
i_registry = MercuryRegistry(mercuryRegistry);

// Do not allow a batched mercury registry to use an excessive batch size, as to avoid
// calldata size limits. If more feeds need to be updated than allowed by the batch size,
// deploy another `MercuryRegistryBatchUpkeep` contract and register another upkeep job.
require(batchEnd - batchStart <= MAX_BATCH_SIZE, "batch size is too large");

s_batchStart = batchStart;
s_batchEnd = batchEnd;

// Invoke a feed lookup for the feeds this upkeep is responsible for.
function checkUpkeep(bytes calldata /* data */ ) external view override returns (bool, bytes memory) {
uint256 start = s_batchStart;
uint256 end = s_batchEnd;
string[] memory feeds = new string[](end - start);
for (uint256 i = start; i < end; i++) {
feeds[i - start] = i_registry.s_feeds(i);
return i_registry.revertForFeedLookup(feeds);

// Use the master registry to assess deviations.
function checkCallback(bytes[] memory values, bytes memory lookupData)
returns (bool, bytes memory)
return i_registry.checkCallback(values, lookupData);

// Use the master registry to update state.
function performUpkeep(bytes calldata performData) external override {

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