Note: This project is in alpha. Documentation is sparse and all APIs are subject to extreme change until beta.
A static data layer for modern websites and applications.
Norman takes data from APIs or any other source, and outputs JSON files. These JSON files can then be uploaded to serve as a static API, or be imported in your code just like a regular module.
npm install @smarterlabs/norman --save
or with Yarn:
yarn add @smarterlabs/norman
const Norman = require(`@smarterlabs/norman`)
const sanitySource = require(`@smarterlabs/norman-source-sanity`)
const shopifySource = require(`@smarterlabs/norman-source-shopify`)
const norman = new Norman({
// This is your JSON file "schema"
collections: {
// Will output an "all-products.json" file containing an array of objects
// with product data from both Shopify and Sanity
'all-products': {
type: `list`, // Data gets added to an array
uid: `sku`, // Object will be merged if the the "sku" property is the same
merge: `shallow`,
'site-settings': {
type: `singleton`, // Data stored exactly how it was passed in
merge: `deep`,
data: { // Default data
title: `Missing Title`,
'images': {
type: `asset`, // Downloads a URL locally
// An object of event handler functions
// The key is the event label and the value is a function that executes
// whenever that event occurs.
on: {
// Adds/merges some data to the all-products.json file from Sanity
'data:sanity:product': ({ add, data }) => {
add(`all-products`, {
sku: data.sku,
title: data.title,
// Adds/merges some data to the all-products.json file from Shopify
'data:shopify:product': ({ add, data }) => {
data.variants.forEach(variant => {
add(`all-products`, {
sku: variant.sku,
inStock: variant.available,
slug: `/product/${data.handle}`,
// Source plugins
plugins: [
domain: ``,
storefrontAccessToken: process.env.SHOPIFY_ACCESS_TOKEN,
apiKey: process.env.SHOPIFY_API_KEY,
projectId: `ic3ki3k`,
dataset: `production`,