#Database Backup 1.0
- php mysql database backup script lets you download databse through simple and easy step withour requirement of cpannel or phpmyadmin
###Why should I use this slider?
- This script will help you to periodically download backup from browser without accessing phpmyadmin or c-pannel
- Some time we don't have c-pannel access and if you want to download databse in that case this script will help you to download backup
- It also keep record of your previous backuped database along with the date and time you can download in near future
- you can remove previous downloaded dtabase also by clicking remove button.
- This script has its own Access control ie have independent user and password for un authorize access
- Default user - root and password root you can change this by opening mysql_backup.php in notepad
Written by: vivek kumar tripathi - http://opensum.com
###License Released under the GPL license - http://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-2.0
Let's get on with it!
##Installation Simply upload mysql_backup.php file in your public folder after login with user roor and password root it will ask database host, database user, database password and database name then click on get database button your database download link will appear on right pannel :)