- address bob
- bob has a mint token
- bob approves an image
- bob sends tx [userImagehash, tokenId]
- if tx reverts - alert exception, otherwise continue by sending below to server
- allow the user to download their image upload?
- stores the smpls representations
- retrieve the tx details
- save the uploaded image only till the smpl is assigned
- assert that:
- postRequest.uploadedImageHash == tx.uploadedImageHash
- postRequest.tokenId == tx.tokenId
- !postRequest.tokenId doesnt have a smpl assigned
- perform match
- assign smplId to tokenId in our mapping
- make smpl public under given tokenId (metadata api)
the user can now see their smpl on opensea/metamask, and the contract is storing the hash of an image sent
main.py [-h] [--headless] [--model MODEL] [--dataset DATASET]
Runs the matcher on chosen dataset against smplverse pieces
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--headless include flag to skip displaying the images
--model MODEL the model to use, either resnet100 or vggface2
--dataset DATASET ibug_faces or famous_people
--make-embeddings include to create embeddings with the given model