Git repository project entitled "Case Study 1." Members of this project include Heindel Adu, Gabriel Gonzales, and Amy Markum.
Introduction: This presentation provides an overview of exactly what type of manipulations were performed on two combined data sets (Beer by State and Breweries by State). Client has requested answers to the five following questions:
Second, it's a good idea to save your file before manipulating the data, in case you need to return to the original data
names(Brew_Beer_Table) <- c("Brewery_ID", "Brewery_Name", "City", "State", "Beer_Name", "Beer_ID", "ABV", "IBU", "Beer_Style", "Ounces")
Any data should be sorted to assist in understanding the data set, in this case sorted first by Brewery ID, then by ABV (ascending)
Next we begin to answer the client's questions: Identify all of the NA's: (62 in the ABV column, 1005 in IBU)
Any data that is separated out and may be needed for later mainpulation should be stored in its own file
###write.csv(StateBreweryTotals, file = "Breweries-State.csv")