The project builds on the previously learnt concepts of Devise Gem & Rails DB properties like belongs_to and has_many.Introducing relationship: many_many, Own Authentication and Attendees tracking
- Ruby, Ruby on Rails, VS Code Editor
- Active Records
- Devise Gem
- Forms & Helpers
- Rspec, Capybara, Selenium
- Browser: Chrome {change/override in this File, Last Line:
- User Authentication
- Signup
- Login
- Events
- View Events
- Past Events
- Upcoming Events
- Attend Events
- Create New Event
- View Events
- User Views
- Hosted Events
- Past Events
- Upcoming Events
- User Logout
- Cannot Attend Events
- Cannot Create a New Event
- To clone this repository, open your Terminal and execute the following command:
git clone
- Change into the folder
cd private-only
- Install js dependencies
yarn install
- Install gems
bundle install
- Run Database migrations
rails db:migrate
- Rails Local Server
rails server
- Launch Local App
- Open your browser and type http://localhost:3000
- Run Rails console
rails console
To start testing the models, execute the following commands from the Rails console. We have added some default content in each Model.
- User.all
- Events.all
- Enrollment.all
🧑💻 Shabbir
- GitHub: @smy5152
- Twitter: @smy5152
- LinkedIn: Shabbir Yamani
🧑💻 Miguel
- GitHub: @meltrust
- Twitter: @meltrustDVX
- LinkedIn: Miguel(meltrust) Tapia Escalera
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
This project is MIT licensed.