Repository for Super Peach Sisters, a video game I built using C++ for CS 32 during Winter 2022 at UCLA.
Super Peach Sisters is set in the Mushroom Queendom, fictional land of crazy creatures like fire-breathing piranhas, koopas and goombas. Unfortunately, last week Mario was taken hostage by the evil greenhouse gas producer named Yerac Grebnehcan (who is well known for producing huge amounts of methane), and Peach must face a number of increasingly difficult levels to rescue him.
Each level contains a number of challenges, which include dangerous koopas, goombas, and fire-breathing Piranhas that grow from pipes. Peach must avoid or destroy these creatures to reach the flag on each level, which takes her to the next level. Once Peach reaches the final level, she must then get to Mario to save him and win the game. Each level contains a number of goodies that Peach can reveal by bonking her head against blocks. These goodies include Stars (which grant invincibility to Peach), Mushrooms (which enable Peach to double her jumping height), and Flowers which enables Peach to shoot fireballs at her opponents.
C++, XQuartz, freeGLUT
You will need to download XQuartz and freeGLUT.
First, clone the repository and change into the appropriate directory:
$ git clone
$ cd SuperPeachSisters/SuperPeachSisters
Next, build the executable:
$ make
Finally, to play the game, run:
$ ./SuperPeachSisters