This application installs cosmovisor and seid validator nodes on a zero server. There are various arrangements for reinstallation.
For detailed information about cosmovisor visit:
What the script does are:
to set the required environment variables and set the .bash_profile file.
to set the required environment variables and set the .bash_profile file.
Downloading the script named "" which makes it easy to install the new version "seid binary" update.
package updates and updates to operating system packages.
provides installation of various utilities/tools.
- mc
- bashtop
- htop
- git
- jq
- golang 1.18.2
The sei daemon implementation of the sei-chain project. seid executable v1.0.6beta version. ( for new version)
It downloads genesis.json and addrbook.json files required for "sei-incentivized-testnet". (New chains need to be installed. You can change it from # download genesis and addrbook in this script.)
sets the minimum gas limit to 10usei.
Activates the prometeus validator monitoring system.
It creates the seid service but does not activate it. No service is needed when running under cosmovisor.
From the main distribution in cosmos-sdk, it downloads and builds the application called cosmovisor and installs it.
Integrates the seid application into the cosmovisor application.
various useful commands are created.
helpsei Various useful commands for seid.
seiport List of ports used by seid. (during installation)
helpseiupdate for updating helpsei code.
It creates 2 scripts required to start as cosmovisor or service.
- servis olarak çalışıyorsa servisi kapatır ve cosmovisor sürümünün çalışmasını sağlar.
- cosmovisor olarak çalışan uygulamayı kapatır ve servis olarak çalışmasını sağlar.
It provides an option to create a wallet at the end of the installation.
Various checks for incorrect user login, written and colored help texts and warnings about points to be considered.