An interpreter of lua-like language written in C++ 11.
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles"
cmake -G Xcode
Global function | Description |
print(...) | Print values to stdout |
puts(string) | Print a string to stdout |
ipairs(table) | Returns a iterator to iterate array part of a table |
pairs(table) | Returns a iterator to iterate a table(array and hash) |
type(value) | Returns type of a value |
getline() | Returns a line string which gets from stdin |
require(path) | Load the path module |
IO table | Description |
---|---| [, mode]) | Returns a file of path by mode when open success, otherwise returns nil and error description, mode is same with c function fopen, default is "r". |
io.stdin() | Returns a file of stdin |
io.stdout() | Returns a file of stdout |
io.stderr() | Returns a file of stderr |
File table | Description |
file:close() | Close file |
file:flush() | Flush write buffer |
file:read(...) | Read data from file, arguments could be number(read number bytes, returns as a string), "*n"(read a number and returns the number), "*a"(read whole file, returns as a string. Returns a empty string when on the end of file), "*l"(read a line, returns as a string without '\n'), "*L"(read a line, returns as a string with '\n'). Returns nil when on end of file. |
file:seek([whence [, offset]]) | Sets and gets the file position. whence could be "set", "cur", "end", offset is a number. If seek success, then returns the file position, otherwise returns nil and error description. Called with no argument, returns current position. |
file:setvbuf(mode [, size]) | Set the buffering mode for the output file. mode could be "no"(no buffering), "full"(full buffering), "line"(line buffering), size is a number specifies the size of the buffer, in bytes. |
file:write(...) | Write the value of each argument to file, arguments could be string and number. If success, returns the file, otherwise returns nil and error description. |
Math table | Description |
math.abs(x) | Same with c function abs |
math.acos(x) | Same with c function acos |
math.asin(x) | Same with c function asin |
math.atan(x) | Same with c function atan |
math.atan2(y, x) | Same with c function atan2 |
math.ceil(x) | Same with c function ceil |
math.cos(x) | Same with c function cos |
math.cosh(x) | Same with c function cosh |
math.deg(x) | Returns the angle x(given in radians) in degrees. |
math.exp(x) | Same with c function exp |
math.floor(x) | Same with c function floor |
math.frexp(x) | Same with c function frexp, returns significand of the given number in range of [0.5, 1) and exponent. |
math.huge | The c macro HUGE_VAL |
math.ldexp(m, e) | Same with c function ldexp |
math.log(x [, base]) | Same with c function log, the default for base is e. |
math.max(x, ...) | Returns the maximum value |
math.min(x, ...) | Returns the minimum value |
math.modf(x) | Returns the integral part of x and the fractional part of x. |
math.pi | The value of PI |
math.pow(x, y) | Same with c function pow |
math.rad(x) | Returns the angle(given in degrees) in radians. |
math.random([m [, n]]) | Returns a uniform pseudo-random number. When called with no arguments, returns a real number in the range [0, 1). When called with number m, returns a integer in the range [1, m]. When called with number m and n, returns a integer in the range [m, n]. |
math.randomseed(x) | Set x as the seed for the pseudo-random generator. |
math.sin(x) | Same with c function sin |
math.sinh(x) | Same with c function sinh |
math.sqrt(x) | Same with c function sqrt |
math.tan(x) | Same with c function tan |
math.tanh(x) | Same with c function tanh |
String table | Description |
string.byte(s [, i [, j]]) | Returns the numerical codes of the characters s[i] to s[j]. The default value for i is 1. |
string.char(...) | Returns a string with length equal to the number of arguments, in which each character has the numerical code equal to its corresponding argument. |
string.len(s) | Returns the length of the string s. |
string.lower(s) | Returns a string in which each character is lowercase. |
string.upper(s) | Returns a string in which each character is uppercase. |
string.reverse(s) | Returns a reverse string of the string s. |
string.sub(s, i [, j]) | Returns the substring of s[i..j]. |
Table table | Description |
table.concat(t [, sep [, i [, j]]]) | Concatenate t[i] .. t[j] to a string, insert sep between two elements, the default values for i is 1, j is #t, sep is an empty string. |
table.insert(t, [pos ,] value) | Insert the value at position pos, by default, the value append to the table t. Returns true when insert success. |
table.pack(...) | Pack all arguments into a table and returns it. |
table.remove(t [, pos]) | Remove the element at position pos, by default, remove the last element. Returns true when remove success. |
table.unpack(t [, i [, j]]) | Returns t[i] .. t[j] elements of table t, the default for i is 1, the default for j is #t. |