This patch release has several improvements to make the loaders and streaming transformer more resilient against failures. It also patches dependencies to latest versions to mitigate security vulnerabilities.
- Set region in the SQS client builder (#587)
- Common: Snyk action should only run on push to master (#929)
Use forked version of jsch lib for ssh (#927)
Recover from exceptions on alerting webhook (#925)
Add logging around using SSH tunnel (#923)
Timeouts on JDBC statements (#914)
Bump snowflake-jdbc to 3.13.9 (#928)
Make ON_ERROR copy option configurable (#912)
Transformer Kinesis
- Bump parquet-hadoop to 1.12.3 (#933)
- Exclude hadoop transitive dependencies (#932)
- Always end up in consistent state (#873)
- No checkpointing until after SQS message is sent (#917)
- Add missing hadoop-aws dependency for s3 parquet files upload (#920)
Batch Transformer
- Add fileFormat field to formats section of example hocon (#848)