The plant dynamics are:
x = Ax_t + B(u_t + v_t)
y = Cx_t + w_t
The orginal problem is as follows
min_{K} ||Q^{1/2}Y||^2 + ||R^{1/2}U||^2
+ ||Q^{1/2}W||^2 + ||R^{1/2}Z||^2
subject to K internally stabilizes G
K \in S
where Y, U denote the closed-loop transfer matrices from w to y and u, and W, Z, denote the closed-loop transfer matrices from v to y and u, S is a binary matrix that encodes the controller structure.
We solve the problem using closed-loop parameterizations, one of them is as follows
min_{Y,U,W,Z} ||Q^{1/2}Y||^2 + ||R^{1/2}U||^2
+ ||Q^{1/2}W||^2 + ||R^{1/2}Z||^2
subjec to [I -G][Y W]
[U Z] = [I 0] (1)
[Y W][-G] = [I]
[U Z][I] [0] (2)
Y,U,W,Z \in FIR(N) (3)
Y \in R, U \in T (4)
where (1)-(3) encode the internal stability constraint, and (4) encodes the sparsity constraint S using the notion of Sparsity invariance.
Rely on YALMIP to reformulate the above problem into an SDP, then call Mosek/SeDuMi to get a soluton
>> [K,H2,info] = clph2(A,B,C,Q,R,userOpts)
- Input variables
- (A,B,C): system dynamics in discrete time
- Q: performance weights on output y
- R: performance weights on input u
- userOpts is a structure and contains the following options
- N: Order of FIR approximation (default:8)
- solver: sedumi, sdpt3, csdp or mosek (default)
- spa: Distributed control Yes/No (default: 0)
- S: Sparsity pattern for the controller (default: [])
title={System-level, Input-output and New Parameterizations of Stabilizing Controllers, and Their Numerical Computation},
author={Yang Zheng and Luca Furieri and Maryam Kamgarpour and Na Li},