Overlay application to accompany Smash Soda
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Here is the source code for the overlay application included with Smash Soda. It has been developed with Wails. It is not intended to be run standalone, and won't work with Parsec Soda V's Web Sockets widget. The overlay uses WebView2. Instructions for using the overlay with Smash Soda can be found here.
The source code is made public in case anybody wants to modify and compile for their own purposes (or contribute to the project!).
Issues and feature requests should be made in the Smash Soda repository.
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The overlay is built in the Wails framemwork. Follow their guide for setting up a development environment here. (Note this overlay is compatible with Smash Soda version 6 onwards).
Once wails is installed, clone the project, cd in to the frontend subfolder, and install the node packages.
git clone https://github.com/Smash-Soda-Team/smash-soda-overlay
cd smash-soda-overlay/frontend
npm install
To run the overlay in dev mode:
wails dev
To build the application:
wails build
Socket messages from Smash Soda to come in this JSON format:
"event": "event name",
"data": {}
This is than transmitted across the app with the eventBus, which I just hooked on to the window object to keep things simple. You can then listen to events like:
window.$eventBus.on('event name', (data: any) => {
// Do thing
The overlay has a new theming system. You can put custom CSS files inside the themes folder alongside the built app, and select themes in Smash Soda. When developing a theme, you can run the overlay in "design mode". This will stop the overlay from trying to connect to Smash Soda and display some placeholder widgets on the overlay:
wails dev -appargs design
You can display the browser inspector in dev mode by passing the inspector argument:
wails dev -appargs inspector
The overlay has a built in websocket server if you have your own testing setup for the websocket messages:
wails dev -appargs server
The server is served at:
When providing multiple arguments, put inside quotes:
wails dev -appargs "design inspector server"
The Smash Soda overlay application is primarily intended for users who want to see details about their room at all times and only have one monitor. For those wishing to build their own OBS overlays, it's as simple as connecting to the websocket server that Smash Soda creates when hosting, and then displaying the info how you want.
Check out the obs_example.html for a very basic example of how to make a static HTML with vanilla JavaScript, to render data from Smash Soda.
Here is a static web page template for displaying your Parsec room chat in OBS...it'll also broadcast display Twitch chat in your Parsec room!
See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).
Would you like to contribute to the project? That's great! Here's what you do:
- Open a new issue reporting what you're going to do.
- Fork this repository.
- Create a branch for your feature.
- Make your local changes.
- Submit a pull request.
If this is helpful to you and you'd like to say thanks, you could buy me a coffee if you want!
for more information.
Project Link: https://github.com/MickeyUK/SmashSoda
- [MickeyUK] - GitHub - Smash Soda Project Lead