Scalar - one-day free-to-attend conference about Scala. Held in Warsaw Poland, on April 5, 2014.
Want to become sponsor? Contact [email protected]
Organized by
This website uses Grunt+Jade+Stylus+foundation for faster development.
- Jade compiles into HTML.
- Stylus compiles into CSS.
- Grunt is used for compiling both jade and stylus into HTML and CSS.
NOTE: Never update HTML or CSS directly, as updates will be removed next time while compilation.
To work on project (update anyhting on website) first you need Node.js to be installed.
To check, if it's installed, run command node -v
in console.
If you see version - than you have it installed.
If not - go to and install it from there.
In console navigate to scalar-conf-website
folder and run
npm install
This will install all required dependencies for this project.
Page build uses the pygmentize
command. Use
pip install Pygments
to install this tool. Sudo may be required (sudo pip install Pygments
In your terminal, run the command npm run start:dev
. This will compile & watch for changes in files.
Open another terminal window and run npm run serve
. This will run a small http server on localhost:8080
, where you can lookup the application.
Every time before you start doing any changes!
In console navigate to scalar-conf-website
folder and run
npm run start:dev
This command tells grunt to watch for any changes in forlders jade
, styl
, js
and compile new versions of HTML, CSS, JS into dist
folder. Leave it running while you change, write or update files.
Now you are ready to change *.jade files.
Every news post is saved as 'numbered' file (1.jade, 2.jade ... n.jade). To create new news post simply create new numbered file (for example the last one is 3.jade, so you need to create 4.jade file).
Copy and past content from any other numbered file into new file (4.jade) and update fileds there.
Right at the top you have:
- var title = 'Scalar got a venue!'
- var permalink = '#scalar-got-venue'
- var date = 'January 21, 2014'
- var dateISO = '2014-01-21'
- title of the blog postpermalink
- identifier for this particular post. Should start with#
and do not contain any spacesdate
- date, when news is posteddateISO
- smae date, but in ISO 8601 format - YYYY-MM-DD
After this is updated go to line
+article(title, date, dateISO, permalink)
and start writing news post starting from the next line.
For references on how to write in Jade check At first it might be difficult, but then you'll find it very easy:)
Tags in Jade are simplified.
So for paragraph just write
p This is papagraph.
p This is next paragpaph.
To add link
p This is my paragraph with
a(href="") link
| and paragraph continues here.
p And my next paragraph.
To add image
p My next paragraph.
If you have problems converting something into jade you can use this online converter
NOTE: It's very important to keep identation equal Indent using spaces. 1 tab is 2 spaces.
Next step is to add new news post to news page.
Open news.jade
file, find where news posts are being added include news-posts/3.jade
and write same line above with freshly new number of blog post.
For example:
From this:
include news-posts/3.jade
include news-posts/2.jade
include news-posts/1.jade
to this:
include news-posts/4.jade
include news-posts/3.jade
include news-posts/2.jade
include news-posts/1.jade
Next is to update news on index page.
Open news-section.jade
file, find 2 lines started with include
and update numbers there. The latest news number should be in the top line, the previous news - in the second line.
Let's say you have added 4.jade
news file.
So in news-section.jade
file you have:
include news-posts/3.jade"") read more
include news-posts/2.jade"") read more
update it as:
include news-posts/4.jade"") read more
include news-posts/3.jade"") read more
You are done:)
From time to time check if Grunt doesn't have problems compiling everything - it will write something in console.
After the last update of news-section.jade
push changes to github and you are done.
This instruction outlines the process for deploying the production version of the application on
- Ensure that changes in the feature branch are comprehensive and locally tested.
- Merge the feature branch with the
branch on GitHub platform ( ).
- Upon completion of merging, reach out to the relevant DevOps team members.
- Request an upload to the AWS S3 bucket as the website is static.
- Prepare a message requesting deployment on the
Slack channel.