cd BaldMM
- Python 3.7 (numpy, skimage, scipy, opencv)
- PyTorch >= 1.8.0
- Pytorch3d, installation instructions here
Alternatively you can run
pip install -r requirements.txt
Download the following trained models and place them in the ./data folder.
Downloading the FLAME texture model
Download the FLAME texture space from the FLAME texture space and place it in ./data folder.
Modify the flame_tex_path parameter in the ./lib/utils/config file with the path of the downloaded texture space.
python demos/ -i input -s results --saveObj True --useTex True --device gpu
Where i is the input folder path and s the savefolder path. Please run python demos/ --help
for more details.
We have used code from the following repositories:
- FLAME_PyTorch and TF_FLAME for the FLAME model
- Pytorch3D, neural_renderer, SoftRas for rendering
- kornia for diffrentiable image processing
- face_segmentation for skin mask
- VGGFace2-pytorch for identity loss