This repository contains the preprocessing and analysis scripts for this project. Data and task scripts are on the SHLAB S drive under the VNI project directory
- Spreadsheet of the visual quality control notes
- Group T1w and BOLD reports (html and tsv) with image quality metrics (IQM)
- MRIQC report key (brief descriptions of IQM)
- MRIQC summary of results
- Instructions for running MRIQC using singularity container on RDAC
- Instructions for running fMRIprep using singularity container on RDAC
- Bash script for running fMRIprep on this dataset
- provided by fMRIprep for describing fMRIprep in manuscript
- Script for creating event files (Matlab)
- Script for creating onset timing and dummy EV (for missed trials) files for FSL(R)
2) Analysis
- Cleaning risky decision-making (RDM) data script (e.g. removing missed trials)
- Quality analysis of RDM script
- RDM analysis (glmer) script
- Quality analysis document
- RDM analysis document
- output from analysis scripts
3) Task Design
- Design parameters document for the risky decision making choice set
- script that generates figures for design parameters document
- figures included in the design parameters document