IFC (Industry Foundation Classes - Basic Industry Classification) is an open, neutral data exchange format. It is optimized for the organization of OPEN BIM interaction at the model level, mainly common in the AIS industry. The technology of Building Information Modeling is one of the largest achievements since the beginning of the use of CAD in the construction industry.
The IFC format is used for efficient import and export of 3D elements and non-geometric data and does not depend on the application in which the model was created.
To learn more: IFC (Industry Foundation Classes)
The main idea
Model statistics: For a database table (downloaded from an IFC file, an object-oriented database) that contains objects of different types in an internal format, in the user interface (Qt), output statistics on objects grouped as follows: A table with the number of objects of each type (Object_type 1 - 10 pieces, Object_type 2 - 120 pieces). Then, at the request of the user, export the data to an Excel document.
Sample program