krejoinstack is an application that uses KDE Konsole terminals to connect and open terminal connections to multiple systems at the same time, making possible to debug or working on a system automatically loggin into jump hosts and target hosts and them running commands (like opening a log file) on each of then.
Using the Konsole graphical terminal has some advantages:
- Unlimited scrollback (needs konsole configuration);
- No need for wrist painfull shortcuts ('Ctrl+A + Command' to move between screens);
- Easier search with regular expression and other facilities provided by konsole;
- Session bell on window activity or silence. Leave commands running and get notified when something changes or stops;
- Scrollback reset clears any previous printed message allowing to search, focus on what you actually is searching;
- Many other features and desktop integration;
- Install konsole in you desktop (tested on Ubuntu systems only):
snap install krejoinstack
- Configure password less access to your bastion or other host:
ssh-copy-id ${thehost}
- Run it:
krejoin [-h] [plugin-options] Host: The host might be 'localhost' or any hostname or IP. If is not 'localhost', SSH key-based authentication must be configured from this machine to the host. Available Plugins: --juju --docker --custom PLugin Options: Juju Cloud options (--juju): --model: The model to search for the units/machines. Defaults to the model that is logged. --machines: Open one shell terminal for each machine. Excludes all the other options. --group-applications: Group similar services into distict windows --template: Loads Juju shells based on this template --export-template: Dumps the current template into a file so you can edit and add whathever you need. --include-applications: Only will open from these applications --exclude-applications: Will not open from this applications (by default will open from all applications so, with this you can exclude what you don't want). --include-units: Same but for units. --exclude-units: Same but for units; --open-logs: Open 1 shell with the logs for the application. If no option is added this is default. --open-shell: Open 1 shell on sudo for each unit of the application. Docker deployment option (--docker): --include-pods: --exclude-pods: --open-logs: --open-shell: Custom YAML options (--custom): --custom-template: Load all shells based on this template. --print-skell: Prints a sample template example.