This is a project for the course TDT4140 - Software Engineering at NTNU. The project is a web application for the company VAMOS. This project is a Backpacking trip planner. Where you can see reviews of different trips and post your own trips.
The application is built using Next.js, TypeScript, Storybook, Vercel, Firebase and Chakra UI.
- Axel [email protected]
- Jakob [email protected]
- Ragni [email protected]
- Trygve [email protected]
- Simen [email protected]
- Sondre [email protected]
For insparation GitHub Repo
This is the repository for the example project that is used in the figma. Would recommend to clone this repo and use it as a starting point for your issues.
For a live demo of the repo, check out Purity UI Dashboard.
First install the dependencies:
npm install
Then run the development server:
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
To be able to see each component in isolation, we use Storybook. To run it, use the following command:
npm run storybook
Open http://localhost:6006 with your browser to see the result.
Each push to the main branch will trigger a new deployment on Vercel. You can see the website HERE
This project uses a common practice and layout for commit messages and merge requests. See the file for a overview of these practices.