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Seggy Umboh edited this page Jul 20, 2014 · 10 revisions

ConstraintJS also allows HTML templates to be declared in the syntax of Handlebars.JS with values that update with the constraint variables. Templates are created with cjs.createTemplate(templ, context). It has two parameters: templ is the template code as either a String or a DOM element (<script type="template/cjs"></script>); context is the set of variables to use as the environment. If no context is passed in, cjs.createTemplate() returns a function that may be called to generate a template. cjs.createTemplate() otherwise returns a DOM element that may be added anywhere in the page.

<script id="greeting" type="template/cjs">
    <div>Hello {{firstname}} {{lastname}}</div>

var fn = cjs("Mary"),
    ln = cjs("Parker");
cjs.createTemplate("#greeting", {firstname: fn, lastname: ln});

Templates can be destroyed with cjs.destroyTemplate(elem), paused with cjs.pauseTemplate(elem), and resumed with cjs.resumeTemplate(elem)

#Template Syntax ConstraintJS templates use Handlebars.


ConstraintJS templates take standard HTML and add some features


Unary handlebars can contain expressions.


called with { title: cjs('hello'), subtext: 'world'}:



If the tags in a node should be treated as HTML, use triple braces: {{{ literal_val }}}.


called with { title: cjs('hello'), subtext: '<strong>steel</strong city'}:

<p><strong>steel</strong> city</p>


{{! comments will be ignored in the output}}

Constraint output

To call my_func on event (event-name), give any targets the attribute:


For example:

<div data-cjs-on-click=update_obj />

Will call update_obj (a property of the template's context when this div is clicked.

To add the value of an input element to the template's context, use the property data-cjs-out:

<input data-cjs-out=user_name />
<h1>Hello, {{user_name}}</h1>

Block Helpers


To create an object for every item in an array or object, you can use the {{#each}} block helper. {{this}} refers to the current item and @key and @index refer to the keys for arrays and objects respectively. {{#each obj_name}} {{@key}}: {{this} {{/each}}

{{#each arr_name}}
    {{@index}}: {{this}

If the length of the array is zero (or the object has no keys) then an {{#else}} block can be used:

{{#each arr_name}}
    {{@index}}: {{this}
        <strong>No items!</strong>


The {{#if}} block helper can vary the content of a template depending on some condition. This block helper can have any number of sub-conditions with the related {{#elif}} and {{#else}} tags.

{{#if cond1}}
    Cond content
{{#elif other_cond}}
    other_cond content
    else content

The opposite of an {{#if}} block is {{#unless}}: {{#unless logged_in}} Not logged in! {{/unless}


The {{#fsm}} block helper can vary the content of a template depending on an FSM state

{{#fsm my_fsm}}
        State1 content
        State2 content
        State3 content

With helper

The {{#with}} block helper changes the context in which constraints are evaluated.

{{#with obj}}
    Value: {{x}}

when called with { obj: {x: 1} } results in Value: 1


Partials allow templates to be nested.

var my_temp = cjs.createTemplate(...);
cjs.registerPartial('my_template', my_temp);

Then, in any other template,

{{>my_template context}}

Nests a copy of my_template in context

Previous: States & FSMs