A daily news and event reminder that sends, exclusively from Gmail accounts, an email with queried information.
Program requires installation of Java 11 and Python3 with libraries that can be installed with:
pip install xlrd
pip install simplejson
Begin by cloning the repo:
git clone https://github.com/HolderOfTime99/EventReminder.git
Navigate to Events.xlsx and News.xlsx in the ExcelSheets folder. Each sheet in the excel files corresponds with one query with the name of the parameter in the first column and value in the second. Edit the given files for desired queries.
List of parameters can be found at:
Before you can execute, you'll need to provide information outlined in the following text files:
Note: You will need to allow less secure app access to the GMAIL_TO_ADDRESS account for automated sending. This can be done at:
API Keys can be obtained at the following websites:
Next, to automate the script to run in the background of your computer:
Edit local.eventreminder.automator.plist by replacing:
- /PATH/TO/autoemailer.sh
Additionally, values under StartCalendarInterval can be changed to select time that the script runs. By default, queries are ran at 5AM.
Lastly, move the file to LaunchDaemons and schedule the task:
mv local.eventreminder.automator.plist /Library/LaunchDaemons/
launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/local.eventreminder.automator.plist
Edit scheduleEventReminderWindows.ps1 by replacing:
- PATH\TO\automateEventReminderWindows.ps1
Note: DESIRED_RUN_TIME must be replaced with valid DateTime format such as:
$runtime = '8:30am'
Finally, run this script in a PowerShell session from the working directory to schedule the task:
Sam Berensohn
Zizhen Song
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details