released this
04 Feb 10:01
Introduce UI component.
Introduce UI Editors:
CheckboxEditor: checks true or false.
ColorEditor: picks a color.
DateEditor: enters a date.
DateTimeEditor: enters a date and time.
TimeEditor: enters a time.
EnumEditor: selects an enum item from its enum type.
FilePickerEditor: picks a file from computer.
FolderPickerEditor: picks a folder from computer.
NumberEditor: enters a number with validation.
TextEditor: enters text.
SelectEditor: selects an item from a list.
ListEditor: a special editor that supports to represent a list of editors.
Introduce UI Containers:
GroupContainer: a component contains other components.
WindowContainer: contains other components and can display as a window.
UI implementation for WinForm.
Implementation for core features.
Manages config file in json format.
Saves or loads config data automatically.
Registers config type automatically.
Builds UI from config data.
Synchronizes UI components value with config data.
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