Reaction-Bot is a SlackBot built with BotKit.
___ __ __ __ __ ___ __ __
/ \ | | | | | | | | / \ | | | |
/ ^ \ | | | | | |__| | / ^ \ | | | |
/ /_\ \ | | | | | __ | / /_\ \ | | | |
/ _____ \ | `----.| `----. | | | | / _____ \ | | | `----.
/__/ \__\ |_______||_______| |__| |__| /__/ \__\ |__| |_______|
.______ _______ ___ ______ .___________. __ ______ .__ __.
| _ \ | ____| / \ / || || | / __ \ | \ | |
| |_) | | |__ / ^ \ | ,----'`---| |----`| | | | | | | \| |
| / | __| / /_\ \ | | | | | | | | | | | . ` |
| |\ \----.| |____ / _____ \ | `----. | | | | | `--' | | |\ |
| _| `._____||_______/__/ \__\ \______| |__| |__| \______/ |__| \__|
.______ ______ .___________.
| _ \ / __ \ | |
| |_) | | | | | `---| |----`
| _ < | | | | | |
| |_) | | `--' | | |
|______/ \______/ |__|
A Slack API Key is required to use Reaction-Bot. API Keys are created by registering a new Bot integration at https://{your-team-url} You may need special permissions within your team to create a new Bot integration.
Reaction-Bot is available on Github at
git clone [email protected]:kieckhafer/reaction-bot.git
After cloning the Git repository, you need to install the node dependencies. Navigate to the root of your cloned repository and use npm to install all necessary dependencies.
npm install
Use the --production
flag to skip the installation of devDependencies.
npm install --production
Reaction-Bot runs in Node.
To run a bare-bones version of Reaction-Bot, use the command line to navigate to the folder where Reaction-Bot lives, and type the following command:
TOKEN=<slack-api-key> node rbot.js
That's it! Now simply invite the bot user into whichever chat rooms you'd like it to be available in.
Reaction-Bot can also be initiated using a variety of node process managers such as nodemon, forever.js, and PM2.
It's easy to create a new call & response - simply replace the KEYWORD and the RESPONSE in the code below.
botReply(['#KEYWORD'], [
You can also have multiple keywords call the same response.
botReply(['#KEYWORD', 'KEYWORD2'], [
Want to pull a random response from a list? Cool. You can.
botReply(['#KEYWORD'], [
Responds to our various #'s
Tells you your commute time from Reaction's Santa Monica office. Requires a Google Maps API key to be set as an environmental variable on startup.
TOKEN=<slack-api-key> MAPS_API=<google-maps-api-key> node rbot.js
#drivetime {address}
#walktime {address}
#biketime {address}
#choppertime {address}
Displays a live image of Earth from the Himawari-8 satellite. Requires a location to save images to, and a URL to view saved images, to be set as environmental variables on startup.
TOKEN=<slack-api-key> HIMAWARI_OUTFILE=<path-to-local-image> HIMAWARI_URL=<url-of-image> node rbot.js
See all the commands by asking Reaction-Bot for help
#bothelp or #bothelp-long
You can do pretty much anything with BotKit. Feel free to expand on it in any way you want.