- Integrate previously learned material in a novel application area of data science.
- Complete a significant project using data science methods and principles.
- Present results of your project in a professional forum or to a business client.
- Document your data science journey and skills through a blog.
- Leverage modern data science tools to share your work (e.g. GitHub)
- Create Dashboard to Comunicate Internal Company Stats
- Store data from GA4 and other Sources in Big Query
- Display Data in a Dashboard
- Develop an ML to Predict Something
- Google Analytics 4
- Acuity
- Mighty Networks
- Kartra
- Bitly
- Pipe Drive
- Wrangle Data if Necessary
- Establish Views
- Figure out how to Connect
- Connect Power Bi to Big Query Database
- Sales Calls Booked
- Sales Closed
- Views / Traffic
- TikTok Api
- ClickUp Api
- Google Api
- Sreamlit
- Tableau
-Time Series Prediction Website Traffic
-Predicting if a Website User will become a Lead
-Get multiple dates from GA4 in SQL
-Set up GA4 Event
-SQL Queries for GA4 Metrics that aren't imported
-Docuementation for BigQuery API
-Bigquery API reference PAge
-Bigquery Authentication Information
-Pitching an Idea