This project consists in operationalizing a Machine Learning Microservice API based on a Python flask-app.
The project goal is to operationalize this working, machine learning microservice using kubernetes, which is an open-source system for automating the management of containerized applications. This project will cover:
- Testing the code using linting
- Completing a Dockerfile to containerize this application
- Deploying the containerized application using Docker and making a prediction
- Improving the log statements in the source code for this application
- Configuring Kubernetes and creating a Kubernetes cluster
- Deploying a container using Kubernetes and making a prediction
- Uploading a complete Github repo with CircleCI to indicate that the code has been tested
- Create a virtualenv and activate it
- Run
make install
to install the necessary dependencies
- Standalone:
- Run in Docker:
- Run in Kubernetes:
To upload the image to Docker Hub: ./
Note that running this script will prompt for the username and password of the Docker account.
Setup and Configure Docker locally
Setup and Configure Kubernetes locally
minikube start
to start a local clusterkubectl config view
to check that the cluster has been started (there should be least one cluster with a certificate-authority and server)
Create Flask app in Container and run via kubectl
After you’re are done deploying the containerized application and making test predictions via Kubernetes cluster, you should clean up your resources and delete the kubernetes cluster with a call to
minikube delete
containes the prediction returned after running the app with Docker -
containes the prediction returned after running the app with Kubernetes -
contains the steps to get Docker running the app locally:- Build the image and add a descriptive tag
- Run flask app
contains the steps to get Kubernetes running the app locally:- Run the Docker Hub container with kubernetes
- Forward the container port to a host
contains the steps to upload the image to the Docker repository:- Authenticate & tag the image
- Push image to a docker repository