This repo is a collection of scripts that run on a Western Digital My Cloud NAS storage device.
I am currently running these against Firmware version v04.01.02-417
I primarily use my WD My Cloud for Timemachine backups of my Macs. Since Timemachine over WiFi can occasionally result in corrupted backups, I wanted to have a few weekly snapshots of the Timemachine backups. If the live backups get corrupted, I could replace them with one of the recent snapshots.
I'm keeping the snapshots on an external USB disk plugged into the
NAS, which also protects against disk failure on the NAS device.
script will send an email through
the My Cloud alert infrastructure if the backup disk is not found.
Optionally mount a USB disk to the NAS (using the built-in My Cloud
USB disk automount, or manually into a specific location) and setup
a weekly cronjob to call
0 4 * * 0 /root/my_cloud_scripts/ /nfs/TimeMachineBackup /path/to/my/backup/directory
Copyright (c) 2015 Joe Sortelli
MIT License