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Michael Irwin edited this page Jan 24, 2018 · 4 revisions

Apply the qualifier along with @Inject on fields, methods, constructors, and producer parameters wherever you want a property value injected.

By default, the fully-qualified name of the annotated member is the name of the corresponding property value that will resolved (as described below) and injected. For example:

package org.example;

import javax.inject.Inject;

public class MyBean {

  @Inject @Property
  private URL location;
  @Inject @Property(name = "uniqueIdentifier", value = "42")
  private long identifier;


The @Property annotations on this bean will instruct the extension to resolve a property named org.example.MyBean.location and inject it into the location field. It will also resolve a property named uniqueIdentifier(note that the name attribute overrides the default property name) and inject it into the identifier field. If the uniqueIdentifier property cannot be resolved, the value 42 will be used by default. Since the location property does not have a default value, CDI bean resolution will fail if the corresponding property cannot be resolved.

Using the built-in capabilities of the extension, you can inject values into the bean shown in the above example by creating a META-INF/ file:


To learn more about how property values are resolved, read the section on Property Resolution. To learn more about supported types for property injection and how to provide converters for your own value types, read Supported Types.