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tl;dr - download and sketch data directly



  • gbsketch - download and sketch NCBI Assembly Datasets by accession
  • urlsketch - download and sketch directly from a url

This plugin is an attempt to improve sourmash database generation by downloading files, checking md5sum if provided or accessible, and sketching to a sourmash zipfile. FASTA files can also be saved if desired. It's quite fast, but still very much at alpha level. Here be dragons.



Option 1 (recommended): Create a conda environment and install into it:

conda create -n directsketch sourmash_plugin_directsketch # create and install
conda activate directsketch # activate

Option 2: Install without creating an environment

conda install sourmash_plugin_directsketch

Other Platforms

On other platforms, you can create a conda environment with requirements like so:

curl -JLO
conda env create -f environment.yml

then activate the environment and install sourmash_plugin_directsketch via pip:

conda activate directsketch
pip install sourmash_plugin_directsketch

Usage Considerations

If you're building large databases (over 20k files), we highly recommend you use batched zipfiles (v0.4+) to facilitate restart. If you encounter unexpected failures and are using a single zipfile output (default), gbsketch/urlsketch will have to re-download and re-sketch all files. If you instead set a batch size using --batch-size, e.g. 10000, then gbsketch/urlsketch can load any batched zips that finished writing, and avoid re-generating those signatures. For gbsketch, the batch size represents the number of accessions included in each zip, with all signatures associated with an accession grouped within a single zip. For urlsketch, the batch size represents the number of total signatures included in each zip. Note that batches will use the --output file to build batched filenames, so if you provided, your batches will be,, etc.

Running the commands


download and sketch NCBI Assembly Datasets by accession

Create an input file

First, create a file, e.g. acc.csv with GenBank identifiers and sketch names.

GCA_000961135.2,GCA_000961135.2 Candidatus Aramenus sulfurataquae isolate AZ1-45,
GCA_000175555.1,GCA_000175555.1 ACUK01000506.1 Saccharolobus solfataricus 98/2,

Three columns must be present: accession, name, and ftp_path. The ftp_path column can be empty (as above), but no additional columns may be present.

What is ftp_path?

If you do not provide an ftp_path, gbsketch will use the accession to find the ftp_path for you.

If you choose to provide it, ftp_path must be the ftp_path column from NCBI's assembly summary files.

For reference:


To test gbsketch, you can download a csv file and run:

curl -JLO
sourmash scripts gbsketch acc.csv -o -f out_fastas -k --failed test.failed.csv --checksum-fail test.checksum-failed.csv -p dna,k=21,k=31,scaled=1000,abund -p protein,k=10,scaled=100,abund -r 1

To check that the zip was created properly, you can run:

sourmash sig summarize

and you should see the following as output:

** loading from ''
path filetype: ZipFileLinearIndex
location: /path/to/your/
is database? yes
has manifest? yes
num signatures: 5
** examining manifest...
total hashes: 10815
summary of sketches:
   2 sketches with dna, k=21, scaled=1000, abund      2884 total hashes
   2 sketches with dna, k=31, scaled=1000, abund      2823 total hashes
   1 sketches with protein, k=10, scaled=100, abund   5108 total hashes

Full Usage:

usage:  gbsketch [-h] [-q] [-d] [-o OUTPUT] [-f FASTAS] [--batch-size BATCH_SIZE] [-k] [--download-only] --failed FAILED --checksum-fail CHECKSUM_FAIL [-p PARAM_STRING] [-c CORES]
                 [-r RETRY_TIMES] [-g | -m]

download and sketch GenBank assembly datasets

positional arguments:
  input_csv             a txt file or csv file containing accessions in the first column

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -q, --quiet           suppress non-error output
  -d, --debug           provide debugging output
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        output zip file for the signatures
  -f FASTAS, --fastas FASTAS
                        Write fastas here
  --batch-size BATCH_SIZE
                        Write smaller zipfiles, each containing sigs associated with this number of accessions. This allows gbsketch to recover after unexpected failures, rather than needing to
                        restart sketching from scratch. Default: write all sigs to single zipfile.
  -k, --keep-fasta      write FASTA files in addition to sketching. Default: do not write FASTA files
  --download-only       just download genomes; do not sketch
  --failed FAILED       csv of failed accessions and download links (should be mostly protein).
  --checksum-fail CHECKSUM_FAIL
                        csv of accessions where the md5sum check failed or the md5sum file was improperly formatted or could not be downloaded
  -p PARAM_STRING, --param-string PARAM_STRING
                        parameter string for sketching (default: k=31,scaled=1000)
  -c CORES, --cores CORES
                        number of cores to use (default is all available)
  -r RETRY_TIMES, --retry-times RETRY_TIMES
                        number of times to retry failed downloads
  -g, --genomes-only    just download and sketch genome (DNA) files
  -m, --proteomes-only  just download and sketch proteome (protein) files


download and sketch directly from a url

Create an input file

First, create a file, e.g. acc-url.csv with identifiers, sketch names, and other required info.

GCA_000961135.2,GCA_000961135.2 Candidatus Aramenus sulfurataquae isolate AZ1-454,dna,47b9fb20c51f0552b87db5d44d5d4566,GCA_000961135.2_genomic.urlsketch.fna.gz,
GCA_000961135.2,GCA_000961135.2 Candidatus Aramenus sulfurataquae isolate AZ1-454,protein,fb7920fb8f3cf5d6ab9b6b754a5976a4,GCA_000961135.2_protein.urlsketch.faa.gz,
GCA_000175535.1,GCA_000175535.1 Chlamydia muridarum MopnTet14 (agent of mouse pneumonitis) strain=MopnTet14,dna,a1a8f1c6dc56999c73fe298871c963d1,GCA_000175535.1_genomic.urlsketch.fna.gz,

Six columns must be present:

  • accession - an accession or unique identifier. Ideally no spaces.
  • name - full name for the sketch.
  • moltype - is the file 'dna' or 'protein'?
  • md5sum - expected md5sum (optional, will be checked after download if provided)
  • download_filename - filename for FASTA download. Required if --keep-fastas, but useful for signatures, too (saved in sig data).
  • url - direct link for the file


To run the test accession file at tests/test-data/acc-url.csv, run:

sourmash scripts urlsketch tests/test-data/acc-url.csv -o -f out_fastas -k --failed test.failed.csv -p dna,k=21,k=31,scaled=1000,abund -p protein,k=10,scaled=100,abund -r 1

Full Usage:

usage:  urlsketch [-h] [-q] [-d] [-o OUTPUT] [--batch-size BATCH_SIZE] [-f FASTAS] [-k] [--download-only] --failed FAILED [--checksum-fail CHECKSUM_FAIL] [-p PARAM_STRING] [-c CORES]
                  [-r RETRY_TIMES]

download and sketch GenBank assembly datasets

positional arguments:
  input_csv             a txt file or csv file containing accessions in the first column

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -q, --quiet           suppress non-error output
  -d, --debug           provide debugging output
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        output zip file for the signatures
  --batch-size BATCH_SIZE
                        Write smaller zipfiles, each containing sigs associated with this number of accessions. This allows urlsketch to recover after unexpected failures, rather than needing to
                        restart sketching from scratch. Default: write all sigs to single zipfile.
  -f FASTAS, --fastas FASTAS
                        Write fastas here
  -k, --keep-fasta, --keep-fastq
                        write FASTA/Q files in addition to sketching. Default: do not write FASTA files
  --download-only       just download genomes; do not sketch
  --failed FAILED       csv of failed accessions and download links.
  --checksum-fail CHECKSUM_FAIL
                        csv of accessions where the md5sum check failed. If not provided, md5sum failures will be written to the download failures file (no additional md5sum information).
  -p PARAM_STRING, --param-string PARAM_STRING
                        parameter string for sketching (default: k=31,scaled=1000)
  -c CORES, --cores CORES
                        number of cores to use (default is all available)
  -r RETRY_TIMES, --retry-times RETRY_TIMES
                        number of times to retry failed downloads

Code of Conduct

This project is under the sourmash Code of Conduct.


We suggest filing issues in the directsketch issue tracker or the main sourmash issue tracker.


  • N. Tessa Pierce-Ward

Dev docs

sourmash_plugin_directsketch is developed at



pytest tests

Generating a release

Bump version number in Cargo.toml and push.

Make a new release on github.

Then pull, and:

make sdist

followed by make upload_sdist.

you may need to pip install twine if it is not available.