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Spacelift Migration Kit



  • Ensure that Python is installed.
  • Download the Migration Kit: git clone (or other available methods in GitHub).
  • Go to the Migration Kit folder: spacelift-migration-kit.
  • Install the Python dependencies and the spacemk command in a Python virtual environment: poetry install.
  • Activate the Python virtual environment: poetry shell.



Copy the config.yml.example file to config.yml and edit it as needed.

Environment variables can be referenced by their name preceded by the $ sign (e.g., $API_TOKEN). This is helpful if you do not want to store sensitive information in the configuration file.

If a .env file is present at the root of the Spacelift Migration Kit folder, it will be automatically loaded when running spacemk and the tests, and the environment variables it contains will be available to that process.


This step is optional but recommended. It will analyze your current setup and display statistics in the terminal. Also, an Excel file with the list of entities to be migrated is created (tmp/report.xlsx).

Additionally, it will perform checks and warn you of possible problems. For example, entities cannot be automatically migrated and might need to be handled manually.


The migration is split into a few different steps that need to be run in order.


The spacemk export command exports information about the source provider entities and stores them as a normalized JSON file (tmp/data.json).

That file can be reviewed and modified before moving to the next step.


The spacemk generate command uses the normalized JSON file from the export step and uses a Jinja template to generate Terraform code that uses the Spacelift provider to create Spacelift entities that mimic the behavior of the source provider entities.

The generated code can be found in the tmp/code/ file. Feel free to review and edit it as needed.


Once the Terraform code has been generated, push the tmp/code/ file to a git repository of your choosing that is available to your Spacelift account.


After pushing the generated Terraform has been pushed to a git repository, create a manager stack in Spacelift.

Point it to the repository, and possibly folder, where you stored the Terraform code, and make sure to mark it as administrative.

Finally, trigger a run to create the Spacelift entities.

Set Sensitive Variable Values

This step can be skipped if there are no sensitive variables defined.

To avoid storing sensitive variable values in Terraform code and the state file, the generate command does not set the value for those variables.

Once the stacks have been created, set the values for the spacelift section of the config.yml file and run the spacemk set-sensitive-env-vars command to set the value for the sensitive environment variables.

Set Terraform Variables with Invalid Names

This step can be skipped if there are no Terraform variables with an invalid name.

Among the different ways to pass variable values to Terraform, Spacelift uses environment variables named TF_VAR_ followed by the name of a declared variable.

However, Terraform allows the use of characters in variable names that are not allowed in environment variable names (e.g., -).

To work around this issue, the Spacelift Migration Kit identifies Terraform variables with invalid names and stores them in a mounted file named so that it gets automatically loaded by Terraform.

Once the stacks have been created, set the values for the spacelift section of the config.yml file and run the spacemk set-tf-vars-with-invalid-name command to set the values for the Terraform variables with invalid names.

Create Module Versions

This step can be skipped if there are no modules defined.

Once the modules have been created, set the values for the github section of the config.yml file and run the spacemk create-module-versions command to re-create existing module versions.


All temporary local artifacts are stored in the tmp folder. Delete some or all of it to clean up.

Additionally, you can destroy the Spacelift resources created by the manager stack and then the manager stack to fully remove the migration artifacts.

The source vendor setup is left untouched by the Migration Kit and can be deleted once the migration has been verified to be successful.


Every migration is different, and while the Spacelift Migration Kit aims at doing most of the heavy lifting, there is often a need for customizing the workflow.

Spacelift Migration Kit has been designed to be easily extended and modified. All customizations are stored in the custom folder.

Custom Template

The generate command uses a Jinja template that can be overridden partially or entirely by creating a file named in the custom/templates folder.

To selectively override pieces of the base template, add the following instruction at the top of the custom template:

{% extends "" %}

Then, override any block by declaring it in the custom template.

Here is an example:

{% extends "" %}

{% block stacks %}
custom code to generate the Terraform code to define the Spacelift stacks
{% endblock %}

Available blocks can be found in the template.

It should be rarely needed, but if you can override the base template entirely by not including the {% extends "" %} instruction.

Custom Command

You can add a custom command by creating a Python file in the custom/commands folder based on the following code:

import click

@click.command(help="Custom command.")
def custom():
    print("This is a custom command")

The file can have any name, but we recommend naming it after the command name. In the example above, the file would be

If the custom command needs some configuration settings, they can be added to the config.yml file, and the configuration passed to the command:

import click

@click.command(help="Custom command.")
def custom(config):
    print(f"This is a custom command with a custom setting {config.get('', 'bar')}")

The commands are managed by the click Python library. Check its documentation or the Spacelift Migration Kit native commands for examples.

Custom Exporter

There might be no native exporter for your source provider, or you might need to tweak an existing provider.

To do so, you can create a Python file in the custom/exporters folder. It must be named after the exporter and define a class named <CapitalizedExporterName>Exporter that derives from the spacemk.exporters.BaseExporter class for new exporters or a native exporter class when overriding an existing exporter.

Here are a few examples:

Exporter Name Filename Class Name
foo FooExporter
foo_bar FooBarExporter

Here is an example:

from spacemk.exporters import BaseExporter

class CustomExporter(BaseExporter):
    def _extract_data(self) -> list[dict]:
        data = []

        custom code to extract datareturn data

    def _map_data(self, src_data: dict) -> dict:
        data = []

        custom code to map data source data to Spacelift normalized data definitionsreturn data

Custom Python Packages

If the custom Python code requires packages not included in Spacelift Migration Kit, you can create a requirements.txt file in the custom folder and install those dependencies with the following command:

pip install -r custom/requirements.txt

Storing Customizations

Simple Use Case

Customizations live in the custom folder. This is fine for most use cases but could be a problem if more than one engineer works on the migration or if you need to collaborate with Spacelift engineers on advanced migrations.

Advanced Use Case

For those advanced use cases, the proposed approach is to create a private clone of this repository and version your customizations there.

Here are the steps to create the private clone:

  1. Create a bare clone of the repository. This is temporary and will be removed, so just do it wherever.
git clone --bare
  1. Create a new private repository in your VCS provider and name it spacelift-migration-kit.

  2. Mirror-push your bare clone to your new spacelift-migration-kit repository.

    cd spacelift-migration-kit.git
    git push --mirror<ACCOUNT NAME>/spacelift-migration-kit.git
  3. Remove the temporary local clone you created in step 1.

cd ..
rm -rf spacelift-migration-kit.git
  1. You can now clone your spacelift-migration-kit repository on your machine where you see fit.
git clone<ACCOUNT NAME>/spacelift-migration-kit.git
  1. Add the original spacelift-migration-kit repository as upstream to fetch updates. The example below uses GitHub but you can use any git VCS provider information.
git remote add upstream
git remote set-url --push upstream DISABLE
  1. The git remotes for your local clone, listed with git remote -v should look like this:
origin<ACCOUNT NAME>/spacelift-migration-kit.git (fetch)
origin<ACCOUNT NAME>/spacelift-migration-kit.git (push)
upstream (fetch)
upstream DISABLE (push)
  1. Interact with your origin remote as usual. You can pull changes from the original repository by fetching from the upstream remote and rebasing on top of your local branch.
git fetch upstream
git rebase upstream/main

There should not be any conflicts if you keep your modifications in the custom folder, but if there are, solve them as usual.


  • Delete the Python virtual environment: poetry env remove --all.
  • Delete the spacelift-migration-kit folder.


If you found a bug or want to submit a feature request, please use the repository issues.

If you need help or guidance, please reach out to your Solutions Engineer or our support.