NOTE: This repository is no longer maintained and it has been archived. In can still be forked and remains read-only.
Locke is a basic documentation repository based on the standard Raneto distribution. When Locke was created Raneto was at version 0.9.0 and was in the middle of the process of becoming an npm package. The main repository needed polishing and the base distribution has some hardcoded stuff that makes a bit difficult to customize themes and configuration. This was the main reason Locke was created as a fork of Raneto.
Current implementation adopted a more independent approach: Raneto is used as an npm package over a standard node docker image.
A sensible default on a dockerized base, plus some init scripts and a bunch of documentation templates are what Locke provides.
Ideally Locke is no more tightly bound to Raneto. It can switch to another backend in the future. So far Raneto performes well and satisfies all our needs: it is a killer application to write, maintain and deploy a knowledge base with ease.
To find our more about Raneto and how we use it in SparkFabrik:
Raneto website is a free, open, simple Markdown powered Knowledgebase for Node.js. What is Raneto Visit to see a demo and get started! A primer on SparkFabrik dockerized documentation
Being Locke distributed as a docker container set, docker is required to run Locke. A very useful option is to install the docker-compose companion binary also.
If you are lost in the process of installing docker on you machine, you can take a look to SparkFabrik's local development environment setup, which flavors docker on MacOSX or Linux in a very quick and effective way.
To kickstart the Locke project, clone the repository and launch from the root folder:
To run the container launch:
docker-compose up -d
During the kickstart you will be asked if the current project is a standalone one.
A standalone project is supposed to have its own git repository and to be deployable in production (think of a knowledge base, product handbook or company policies). A non standalone project should live inside another git repository and is meant to be used only locally (for example a project documentation repository).
Raneto was created by Gilbert Pellegrom from Dev7studios. Raneto is maintained by Ryan Lelek from Locke was forked and created by Paolo Pustorino for SparkFabrik and is maintained by the SparkFabrik staff, mostly by Francesco Benigno Released under the MIT license.