SparkFun ESP32-S2 Thing Plus (WRL-17381)
The SparkFun ESP32-S2 Thing Plus is a comprehensive development platform for Espressif's ESP32. This board has the ESP32-S2-WROOM (4MB) version of the module. The new ESP32-S2 module addresses the security flaws in the original ESP32. While the ESP32-S2 does include improved security features, it lacks the Bluetooth capabilities of the original ESP32 module. The ESP32-S2 Thing Plus includes a Qwiic adapter, LiPo battery JST connector, and 21 I/O pins.
- /Hardware - Eagle design files (.brd, .sch)
- /Hardware/Production - Production panel files (gerbers, .brd)
- Hookup Guide - Basic hookup guide for the ESP32-S2 Thing Plus.
- SparkFun Graphical Datasheets -Graphical Datasheets for various SparkFun products.
- WRL-17743- v1.0, Initial Release
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- Your friends at SparkFun.