BT fix. Logging and stability improvements
v1.2 includes the following improvements:
- BT pin set to 1234 to support older connections
- Move UART2 to core 0 to avoid I2C hardware interrupt collisions
- Significant stability improvements for large file writing
- Logging and BT SPP reliably works up to 10Hz fix rate under worst case conditions (all msgs broadcast and logged)
- Better RAM release when moving between Rover(BT)/Base(WiFi), with significant stability improvement to casting.
- Base LED now blinks during logging
- Fix inverted lat/long in fixed based mode
- Support measurement rates of lower than 1Hz
- Separate Bluetooth broadcast from message logging. Now you can log certain messages and broadcast others.
- Add support for SFBRX message broadcast and logging.
- Improved SdFat performance by using dedicated SPI
- Add data generation rate and write speed debug messages
- Add debug menu (toggle I2C and heap messages)
- Add file creation and file update time stamps to logs and settings file
- New and improved display graphics
- Add LED indication during casting